I'm Spice is simple to understand, but deeper than it may seem at the first listening, electronic music. Independent, atmospheric and able to tell its full-fledged dance story.
Latest Releases
Uncles Music "Winter Tape 2024"
KOCHETOV, Nopopstar, Re Power, Wein, Che&Mos, Pietro (BR), TOMA (BR), KovaX, Akmaral, Paul Weekend, Markin, B.O.R.N, Mumboi, Sergey Baribyn, Alex Spite, M Kovrigin, Dio Dmark, Aradya, Karimov Brothers, Gotovcev, Rudensky, Thedtry, Laurent Rek, I'm Spice, JESSIBELL, Eyal Rabia, Max Garand, Sergey Masterov, Agasi Gasparyan, Rom Ivak, Aramitt, Adonis Harisov, Sarab, MONTA (TN), L.U, Hannes, Gleb Bykox, Y-Axis, Manorakt, Rein_W, GADO'Z, Inache, MekKa (NA), SAVILL, Aleksandr Stroev, N'JoyDj
Uncles Music "Compilation Melodic House 003"
Alexey Union, Kinky Sound, KOCHETOV, Squeeze DJ, Vito Raisi, Raul Desid, SevenEver, I'm Spice, HYKAN, SMASH (PT), Asmoday, Meleshkin, Assel, Steel Tone, Atique, KosherPlus, Paul Weekend, Yangvar, DJ Danzik, Harry Dorima, Savin, Fede Ciccaroni, Shevchenko, Ömür Yurtkuran, Erick Mozllin, Aramitt, Gazfluz, Mike Stil, Inache, Terry Cavalla
Uncles Music "Summer Tape 2023"
Nopopstar, Alexey Union, Kinky Sound, KOCHETOV, Lakshmi, Ver-dikt, Andy Dav, Raul Desid, Inache, Ira Ange, Wein, Alex Panchenco, Melaniya, VegaZ SL, Steel Tone, Vdali, Pashura, Assel, Alex Grafton, Ruslana Taranuha, IKUTA, SOLI (EG), SevenEver, I'm Spice, Sazhin, Yangvar, ANDREY GRONSKY, Shan Tazh, Alex Spite, Craft (EG), Hazem (EG), Erick Mozllin, DJ Soft, Ömür Yurtkuran, Ellis Sexton, SAVILL, K KARDEN, Mike Stil, Andrew Lace, Aramitt, Karimov Brothers, Gleb Bykox, Blackwing, Atique, Kaminari (IL), Terry Cavalla, Meleshkin