Latest Releases
Chillout, Vol. 1
Da Gatsi, Parker Thornhill, Erik Trigger, Bad Shop Boys, Hondale, Reflex Artists, Marla B. Bisches, Chicagoboy, Gerald Peklar, Art Famely, Lalabo, Chillo, Oscar Rogers, Las Chicas Professionales, Bahia Palace, Karon Koury, Tory Arndt, Greta Gaia, Myra Miles, So Phistry, Yan Gillis, John Soultek, Stefan Tretau, ThomMP, Superkraut, Hannes Im Glück, Gerald Paul, Delfina Deines, Monroe Days, Slomo, Maiwald
Klangwelten - Ambient, Lounge & Chillhouse
Mari Billa, New Electronic Symphony, His Name is Frank, Jupiter Jack, Planet Paradise, Tropicon, White Diamond Bay, Hot & Chilled, Maurice Scoville, Miguel Lando, Pusteblume, Mykel Mars, Primo Lopez, The Chillseekers, Dshyll, Eddy Chrome, Heinz Simmer, Cheap Sunglasses, Agent Juno, Michael Ruland, Hotel Stereo, Miss Caramelle, Deep Azur, Secret Ibiza, Dopa Amin, DJ Absinth, Skendo, Xavier Baptist, Tom Hold, Magaluu, Jonathan Kygoo, Digital Orchestra Berlin, Charactana, Hawaiian Love, Eternal Peace, Cats Love Dogs, More Flowers, we:us, Wonderlights, Wolkenlos, Sounds of Summer, Sam Swift, Paul Murs, Vio Beach, Moondiver, Rocklike, Everbeat, Soda Lounge, Silk Grooves, Paradise Airlines, MV Mars, Afrochuck, Defcon 9, About Vegas, Sky Edwards, Rimini Jones, Pure Blue Sky, Complex Natura, Speven Stielberg, Sky And Sand, Mister Paul, Blue Drift, Urban Chill, Kiss Audio, My Island
Hotel Bar: Chillout Music
His Name is Frank, Skendo, Jupiter Jack, Miguel Lando, Miss Caramelle, Mari Billa, New Electronic Symphony, Heinz Simmer, Magaluu, Jonathan Kygoo, Charactana, Tropicon, Cats Love Dogs, Digital Orchestra Berlin, Sam Swift, Hot & Chilled, Pusteblume, Xavier Baptist, Paul Murs, Vio Beach, Afrochuck, More Flowers, Agent Juno, Moondiver, Blue Drift, Tom Hold, Exit Mars, Mister Paul, Sky And Sand, Mykel Mars, Eddy Chrome, Complex Natura, Eternal Peace, Hawaiian Love
Chilli Vanilli, Vol. 2
His Name is Frank, Exit Mars, Hot & Chilled, Soda Lounge, Ibiza Bitches, DJ Absinth, Summer Disclosure, Miss Caramelle, Miguel Lando, Pusteblume, Angelina Copa, Jonas Pety, Eddy Chrome, Michael Ruland, Skaei, Skendo, Heinz Simmer, Digital Orchestra Berlin, Hawaiian Love, Eternal Peace, Jupiter Jack, Paul Murs, No Panties Allowed, Mykel Mars, Mister Paul
Miami Chillout 2017
His Name is Frank, Sam Swift, Mari Billa, Planet Paradise, Hawaiian Love, DJ Absinth, Toca Lounge, Summer Disclosure, Eddy Chrome, Xavier Baptist, Tom Hold, New Electronic Symphony, Heinz Simmer, Magaluu, Jonathan Kygoo, Cats Love Dogs, Hot & Chilled, Digital Orchestra Berlin, Charactana, Eternal Peace, Tropicon, Wolkenlos, Cheap Sunglasses, Michael Ruland, Everbeat, Soda Lounge, Pusteblume, Jupiter Jack, Paul Murs, Miss Caramelle, Miguel Lando, Afrochuck, Skendo
Winter Chillout 2017
Agent Juno, Paul Murs, Soda Lounge, DJ Absinth, Toca Lounge, Jonas Pety, Skendo, Xavier Baptist, New Electronic Symphony, Jonathan Kygoo, Planet Paradise, Hawaiian Love, Tropicon, Mykel Mars, Eddy Chrome, Michael Ruland, Skaei, Hotel Stereo, Cats Love Dogs, Digital Orchestra Berlin, Sam Swift, Pusteblume, we:us, Miss Caramelle, Miguel Lando, His Name is Frank, Afrochuck, More Flowers, Milkbar Rockers, Jessie Pinkman, Blue Drift, Urban Chill, Kiss Audio, Exit Mars, Mister Paul
Cozy Chillout Evenings
Pusteblume, Glady Gowans, Jasmine Lulu, Patrascano, Eddy Chrome, Jess & Jess, Kaxamalka, Secret Ibiza, Shanell Souza, Nita, Microwave Monkeys, The Parent, Supersymmetrie, Monroe Days, Rikki Rothermel, Light in Color, Dustin Rocksville, So Phistry, Shivana Faction, Core of Time, G.U.R.I, Aqua Mundi, Alice Shelton, Kristof Tigran, Yan Garen, Kai Elston, Logophilia, Cazintel, Yan Gillis, Bobbi Briere, ASP Project, Arrojas, Chillo, O'Quinn
Fresh Lounge Beats
Pusteblume, Schwarz & Funk, The Sun Warrios, Shorpi, Circles And Spirals, Solindro, Captain Wayan, Carlos Estevan, Taurus, Ali Kaan Gebes, Empty029, Placid, Tim Ritten, A. Klyuchinkiy, Stanislaw Witta, Barfuesser, M.a.x., Deep At Night, Claudia Hunt, Club Camarillo, Chickenskin, Love Pacific Industries, Don Gorda Project, Rhythmphoria, Aatoo Cito, DJ Santero, Mike Davis Band, Christian Hornbostel, Pater Rob, Light in Color, Sunset Session Group, Collective Sound Members, Fred and Flow, Delfina Deines, D&D
Summer Chillout & Lounge Session 2016
Chillo, The Vault, Pusteblume, Sounds of Summer, Club Camarillo, Deep Mood, Kgc, Inbond, Vivian Holmes, Solanos, Schwarz & Funk, Benotto, Francesco Demegni, Took, Oscar Salguero, Comis, Ibiza Chillout, Alex Millet, Mr. Dave G., DJ Santero, Belinse, Lavejazz Project, Lignin, Loungeside, Chris Vale, Mike Davis Band, Ocean Project, Cusco, Suntheca Prod., No Panties Allowed, DJ Danilkin, Mykel Mars, Baghira, Cesar Martinez Ensemble, Tad Hutchens, Fred Henderson, Alex Picciafuochi, Ruben Hall, DJ Axel F., DJ Zoia, Emma Luna, Diario, Ajc, Correspondence, Sthwayza, The Mask, Tilo Klas
Most Wanted Chill & Lounge 2016
Louisa Lessley, Chickenskin, Claudia Hunt, Snik, Schwarz & Funk, Marth Manthe, Inbond, Loungeside, Benotto, Pusteblume, Francesco Demegni, Daniele Nacci, Oscar Salguero, Woltrax, Ibiza Chillout, Intermode, D&D, Mr. Dave G., DJ Salty Flavor, Club Camarillo, DJ Santero, Deep Mood, Kgc, Spektrum-Gebeit, Belinse, Lavejazz Project, Lignin, Tarena, Fabian Raducan, Chris Vale, Core of Time, Captain Wayan, Mike Davis Band, Heso, Vera Peters, Ocean Project, Tranquilo, Maikel A, Tomtation, Y-East, The Fairchild, Pater Rob, F.B. Alex, Armando Gomez, Sashamato, M. Vitoria, Georgette Gabel, Shivana Faction, Dj Kalani, Cusco, Light in Color, Mark Depner, Monroe Days, Tony Roja, Lauge, Baba Gnohm, Andrew Bright, Don Gorda Project, Rock-Candy, Music Paradise, M.H.M., Atho, Blue Wave, Rene Petershagen, Tuxedo, Kaxamalka, Miraflores, DJ Hot Hands, Romanto & Out Of The Drum, Delfina Deines, Superhypermania, Fred and Flow, Crueger, Rowla, Hesit8, Solanos, Alex Nöthlich
Chillout in Düsseldorf
Mari Billa, Xavier Baptist, Soda Lounge, Miguel Lando, Tom Hold, New Electronic Symphony, His Name is Frank, Hot & Chilled, Eddy Chrome, Heinz Simmer, Jupiter Jack, Jonathan Kygoo, Charactana, Cats Love Dogs, Mykel Mars, Digital Orchestra Berlin, Pusteblume, Sam Swift, Paul Murs, Miss Caramelle, Afrochuck, More Flowers, Paradise Airlines, MV Mars, Dobk, Hawaiian Love
Rooftop Lounge Radio, Vol. 4
Mr Luke, Nicolas Saad, Café Duo, Julio Marquez Ensamble, Soda Lounge, Lounge la Mer, Darren Kim, Double Go, John Soultek, Clementine Calaway, Benigna Maier, Aaron Steve, Cats Love Dogs, Eddy Chrome, Funklounge, Hotel Stereo, Pusteblume, Wonderlights, we:us, Ibiza Club Toys, Jess & Jess, Leotone, Afrochuck, Carlos Bonito, Thomas Sopper, Herr Schmidt, Music Paradise, Best Of Chillout Lounge, Core of Time, Bonsugi, Alberto Dos Santos, Aqua Mundi, Lorenzo Casanova, Bahia de Roses, Milfy Cougar, Michael Ruland, Loungeside, Mathbath Lounge, Oscar Stringz, Boring Sax, Alice Shelton, Canu, Hannes Im Glück, Tranquilo
Friends Music Life Afternoon
Cats Love Dogs, Rex Kramer, Project Blue Sun, Mario Pinosa Trio, The Tonal, Alex Phunk, Gecko, Stif Play, John Soultek, Lisa Jest, The Jazzguys, Leonardo Dwell, DJ Cattail, Pusteblume, Eddy Chrome, King Loui, Miguel Lando, Wolkenlos, Aaron Steve, Aaron The Baron, Sanne Gutt, Bobbi Briere, Carlos Bonito, Thomas Sopper, Herr Schmidt, Chillo, Cierra Ballester, Kaxamalka, Aqua Mundi, Delfina Deines, Elias Harmon, Glady Gowans, Bernd Filz, Tranquilo
Calming Evening
Cats Love Dogs, Rex Kramer, Project Blue Sun, Mario Pinosa Trio, The Tonal, Alex Phunk, Gecko, Stif Play, John Soultek, Lisa Jest, The Jazzguys, Leonardo Dwell, DJ Cattail, Pusteblume, Eddy Chrome, King Loui, Miguel Lando, Wolkenlos, Aaron Steve, Aaron The Baron, Sanne Gutt, Bobbi Briere, Carlos Bonito, Thomas Sopper, Herr Schmidt, Chillo, Cierra Ballester, Kaxamalka, Aqua Mundi, Delfina Deines, Elias Harmon, Glady Gowans, Bernd Filz, Tranquilo
Sailing - Lounge Chillout Music Relax
July Paul, Klaus Brendel, Dancing For Architecture, Carlo Peralta, Blue Wave, Music Paradise, James Jensen, Bianca, Leonardo, Marebo, Cesar Martinez Ensemble, Leotone, Bahia de Roses, Bonsugi, Solanos, Enrico Donner, Bernd Filz, Delfina Deines, Cierra Ballester, Aaron Steve, Pusteblume, Miss Caramelle, Miguel Lando, So Phistry, Core of Time, Mike Warren, Big City Beat, Alene Messina, Light in Color, Double Go, Dumont City, flexible moon, Alice Shelton, HiFi Deluxe, Taylor Befun, Bobbi Briere, Benigna Maier, Josefina Keller
Seahorse Lounge Wangerooge 2015
Bahia de Roses, G-Bakamela, Kaxamalka, Music Paradise, Blue Wave, Bernd Filz, Nicole, Marebo, Hot & Chilled, Aaron The Baron, Sanne Gutt, Bobbi Briere, Aida Moniz, Delfina Deines, Eddy Chrome, Carlo Peralta, Thegodfatherexperience, Dan Guidance, Cafe Creme, Dreadboxx, Best Of Chillout Lounge, Rikki Rothermel, Tad Hutchens, Amy More, The Trastevere Jazz Brass, Pusteblume, Roxano de Santiago, Leotone, Delbert Schneider, Chillo, Kevin Wellness, Han Tronic, Chillout Youngster, More Flowers, The Sura Quintet, Cell Tix, Amitola
Dünen Lounge Musik - Juist 2015
Gecko, El Nicoya, Carlo Peralta, Thomas Sopper, Herr Schmidt, Music Paradise, Bernd Filz, Lounge Hours, Leonardo, Lisa, Pusteblume, Aqua Mundi, Aaron The Baron, Sanne Gutt, Bobbi Briere, Delfina Deines, The King Of Promenade, Hagen, Ripley & Jenson, Cane Garden Quartet, Bahia de Roses, Dreadboxx, Dan Guidance, Wolkenlos, Eddy Chrome, King Loui, Miguel Lando, we:us, Eva Elekktra, Aaron Steve, The Drum Caballeros, Dubstreet Workers, Hot & Chilled, Loungeside, M. Vitoria, Elias Harmon, Alice Shelton, Benigna Maier
Tenerife Chillout Lounge
Hot & Chilled, The Parent, Endless All, Hotel Stereo, Lounge Hours, J. Jensen, Sam Swift, Bianca, His Name is Frank, Nicole, Miguel Lando, Fabbro, Angel Falls, Alex Nöthlich, DJ Cattail, Urban Chill, Marebo, Bananaquit, Jupiter Jack, Pusteblume, Kiss Audio, Angelina Copa, Spiritual Soul, Cafe Royale, Oliver Bäckström, Lazypojke, Exit Mars, Mike Rules, Wonderlights, Oscar Stringz, Fortress of Graves, Gabriel Florea, Dirk M. Schumacher, Sky And Sand, Andy Elliass, Bobby Deep, Digital Orchestra Berlin, Chiffre 100, Carlo Peralta, Collective Sound Members, Blue Drift, Mykel Mars, Aksutique, Lisa, DJ Lopo, Costa da Liberdade, Rimini Jones, MARIA, Bahia de Roses, Bonsugi, Solanos, Cane Garden Quartet, Maurizio Piacente, Dalise, Jessie Pinkman, Mister Paul
Auf Der Ostsee Insel Ummanz - Lounge & Chillout Deluxe 2015
American Groove Junkies, Bobbi Briere, M. Vitoria, Elias Harmon, Tranquil Wellness Emotions of Life, Taylor Befun, HiFi Deluxe, Mike Warren, Alene Messina, Big City Beat, Leotone, Thomas Sopper, Herr Schmidt, Daki 2000, Vivian Holmes, Light in Color, So Phistry, Double Go, flexible moon, Darren Kim, Alice Shelton, Benigna Maier, Dumont City, Miss Caramelle, Miguel Lando, Vio Beach, Lana Lupercio, Ibiza Club Toys, Blended Noise, Alex Nöthlich, Wonderlights, Wolkenlos, Eddy Chrome, we:us, Aaron Steve, Pusteblume, Sgarrow, Hagen, Tranquilo
Anthems of Chillout Music
Seefeld avec Mady, Bonsugi, Miraflores, Eddy Chrome, Vinicious, Mahlìa, Exit Mars, Miguel Lando, Francois Kubik, DJ Moriarti, His Name is Frank, Tarena, Esteban Garcia, Subworks, Paul Hama, Agent Juno, Markus Teschner, Adriatica, Hot & Chilled, Relaxea, Lounge Hours, DJ Cattail, Hotel Stereo, Ryan Artifact, Maurizio Piacente, Dalise, Silk Grooves, Collective Sound Members, Miss Caramelle, Schwarz & Funk, Rock-Candy, Daniele Nacci, Vincent Vicente, Finest Quality Papers, This Way, Lignin, More Flowers, The Fairchild, Jupiter Jack, White Diamond Bay, Gnowee, Don Gorda Project, Vio Beach, Solanos, Christian Hornbostel, Paul Murs, Angelina Copa, Cane Garden Quartet, Moondiver, Pusteblume, we:us, Tim Besamusca, The Sura Quintet, Paradise Airlines, Digital Orchestra Berlin, Counting Clouds, Clytera, Superhypermania, Enrico Donner, Diario, MV Mars, Baghira, Sam Swift, Maurice Scoville, Sky And Sand, Mykel Mars
Chillout Breakfast - Best Lounge Tracks
Kaxamalka, Pusteblume, Aqua Mundi, Bahia de Roses, Logophilia, Maurizio Piacente, Dalise, Captain Wayan, Bonsugi, The Entelechia Society, Baghira, Kid Vibes, DJ Moriarti, Rhythmphoria, Fabbro, Angel Falls, Rey Salinero, Collective Sound Members, Arrojas, MARIA, Solanos, Carlo Peralta, Zadar, Blue Wave, Esteban Garcia, Subworks, The Sura Quintet, Eddy Chrome, Cane Garden Quartet, Norman & Real, Jano De Rhodos, Tarena, Spiritual Soul, Enrico Donner, Frankman, Matozinhos, Bio Logical Theory, El Nicoya, Lisa, The Magical Corner, Markus Teschner, Lime and Shine, Relaxea, Lounge Hours, Alex Nöthlich, Ripley & Jenson
A Summer Breeze of Chillout
Aqua Mundi, Relaxea, Bahia de Roses, Kaxamalka, Esteban Garcia, Subworks, Captain Wayan, Leotone, Solanos, Maniq Sounds, Baghira, DJ Moriarti, Alex Nöthlich, Shivana Faction, Dreadboxx, Rey Salinero, Arrojas, Lounge Hours, MARIA, Logophilia, Sesion De Los Flores, Zadar, Carlo Peralta, Jano De Rhodos, The Sura Quintet, Diario, Cane Garden Quartet, Blue Wave, Bonsugi, Lafoliedamour, The Magical Corner, Collective Sound Members, Pyro Pyro, Maurizio Piacente, Dalise, Pusteblume, Eddy Chrome, Markus Teschner, Nicole, Fabbro, Angel Falls
Living for Lounge & Chillout
Aqua Mundi, Cane Garden Quartet, Kaxamalka, Bonsugi, Logophilia, PRAANA, Enrico Donner, DJ Moriarti, Captain Wayan, Delfina Deines, Baghira, Lime and Shine, Kid Vibes, Rhythmphoria, Peter Silence, Sombra Modos, Collective Sound Members, Jess & Jess, Rey Salinero, El Nicoya, Kusuma Orchestra, Zadar, The Sura Quintet, Maurizio Piacente, Dalise, Esteban Garcia, Subworks, Bernd Filz, Eddy Chrome, Blue Wave, MARIA, Benigna Maier, Duque, Pusteblume, Frankman, Solanos, Spiritual Soul, Seefeld avec Mady, Daki 2000, Tarena, Markus Teschner, Relaxea, Fortress of Graves, Alex Nöthlich, Nic Briel, Marebo, Hotel Stereo, Cafe Royale
Infinite Contemporary Lounge, Vol. 3
Bonsugi, Music Paradise, Eddy Chrome, J. Jensen, MARIA, Lisa, Alex Nöthlich, Marebo, Dreadboxx, Bahia de Roses, Solanos, Carlo Peralta, Pusteblume, King Loui, Angelina Copa, Jess & Jess, Atho, Soulfultrance the Real Producers, Mao Mak, Funky C, Sounds of Summer, Wolkenlos, Erinya Moon, Georgette Gabel, Fruity Execute, Elias Harmon, Lumoa, Lana Lupercio, DJ Lopo, Manos, The Overtonics
Palm Garden Lounge
Bonsugi, Seefeld avec Mady, Maurizio Piacente, Dalise, Sam Swift, His Name is Frank, Plaza, Unearthly, Eddy Chrome, Ria, Brazilian Friends, 4th Floor, Hotel Stereo, DJ Snail, Sunset Session Group, Esteban Garcia, Subworks, Christian Hornbostel, Proxy Brides, Dr. Drummer, Maxim Beitan, Mykel Mars, we:us, Streets of Brazil, Irena Love, Southern Fraiz, Robin Rush, Digital Orchestra Berlin, Miraflores, Cesar Martinez Ensemble, Counting Clouds, Hot & Chilled, Ldm, Collective Sound Members, Miss Caramelle, Miguel Lando, Liquid Kings, More Flowers, The Sura Quintet, Angelina Copa, Aqua Mundi, Leo Santos, Pusteblume, Brassanova, Manuel Merlini, Barcelona Grooves, Moondiver, Agent Juno, Blue Wave, Sarah Chris, Tim Besamusca, DMS12, Cris Harley, Cassava Quartet, Afrochuck, Captain Wayan, Hagen, Nita, Microwave Monkeys, Wonderlights, Jupiter Jack, Paul Murs, Vio Beach, Costa da Liberdade, Rimini Jones, Wolkenlos
Chillout High Society
Maurizio Piacente, Dalise, Lime and Shine, His Name is Frank, Moondiver, Harmonium, TrancEye, Streets of Brazil, Silk Grooves, Marebo, Cafe Royale, Hot & Chilled, Bobby Deep, Ryan Artifact, Angel Tibetan, Eddy Chrome, Barby Serenity, Bananaquit, Ian Solano, Sarah Tyler, Mykel Mars, Thomas Sopper, Herr Schmidt, King Loui, Dominik Bornhäußer, Sam Swift, Miss Caramelle, Miguel Lando, Peter Silence, Martin Quiet, Fortress of Graves, Gabriel Florea, Dirk M. Schumacher, Andy Elliass, Pusteblume, we:us, The Melancholist, Creotaur, Paul Murs, Jupiter Jack, Rocklike, Digital Orchestra Berlin, Paradise Airlines, Collective Sound Members, DJ Lopo, Agent Juno, Bahia de Roses, Costa da Liberdade, Sergio Banana, Bonsugi, Cane Garden Quartet, Enrico Donner, Lichtwandler, Georgette Gabel, The King Of Promenade, Emma Luna, Ambient Circus, Elias Harmon, Delbert Schneider, Angelina Copa, Dreaming Way, Angel Falls, Reflex Artists, Kaxamalka, Aaron The Baron, Sanne Gutt, Carlo Peralta, Soni Soner, Vio Beach, More Flowers, Milkbar Rockers
Best of Bikini Sounds - 5th Anniversary - Chillout & Lounge Edition
Eddy Chrome, Miguel Lando, Hotel Stereo, His Name is Frank, Agent Juno, Rocklike, Urban Chill, Kiss Audio, Tonliebe, Sky Edwards, Mykel Mars, we:us, Pusteblume, Costa da Liberdade, Sky And Sand, Maurice Scoville, Hot & Chilled, Complex Natura, Pure Blue Sky, White Diamond Bay, Dobk, About Vegas, Bobby Escobar, My Island, Angelina Copa, Defcon 9, Exit Mars, Speven Stielberg, MV Mars, Silk Grooves, Paradise Airlines, Sergio Banana, King Loui, Moondiver, Milkbar Rockers, More Flowers, Afrochuck, Miss Caramelle, Streets of Brazil, Vio Beach, Jupiter Jack, Paul Murs, Sam Swift
Lounge Music for Making Love
Garry Black, Youngs Teflon, Serena Soya, His Name is Frank, Sam Swift, Collective Sound Members, Eddy Chrome, Bonsugi, Aqua Mundi, Kaxamalka, Aaron The Baron, Sanne Gutt, Blended Noise, Rocklike, Carlo Peralta, Jess & Jess, Light in Color, Vivian Holmes, Taylor Befun, Tranquil Wellness Emotions of Life, Jupiter Jack, Paul Murs, Speven Stielberg, M. Vitoria, KG, Logophilia, Ralf Rondell & Friends, Eva Kade, Alexander Zhakulin, Daki 2000, Solar Eclipse, Shanell Souza, Jasmine Lulu, Schwarz & Funk, Mark Khoen, Palton, Patrascano, Bahia de Roses, Chillo, Hot & Chilled, Pusteblume, Wonderlights, Vio Beach, Miss Caramelle, Miguel Lando, More Flowers, Agent Juno, Mykel Mars, Moondiver, MV Mars, My Island, Bobby Escobar, Tonliebe, Sky Edwards, White Diamond Bay, Angel Buzz
Chillout Deluxe
Jupiter Jack, Sam Swift, Miss Caramelle, Miguel Lando, Hot & Chilled, Hotel Stereo, Pusteblume, we:us, Wonderlights, Cafe Cape Town, Digital Orchestra Berlin, Paul Murs, His Name is Frank, Vio Beach, Streets of Brazil, Angelina Copa, Costa da Liberdade, More Flowers, Zebra City, Rocklike, Agent Juno, Mykel Mars, Milkbar Rockers, Rimini Jones, Wolkenlos, Sounds of Summer, Ambient Circus, Moondiver, King Loui, Sergio Banana, Garry Black, Eddy Chrome, Cheap Sunglasses, Junior Crew, MV Mars, Silk Grooves, Paradise Airlines, Speven Stielberg, Defcon 9, My Island, Bobby Escobar, Enaya, Tonliebe, Ibiza Groove Squad, About Vegas, Sky Edwards, Dobk, Michael Ruland, White Diamond Bay, Pure Blue Sky, Complex Natura, Maurice Scoville, Sky And Sand, Mister Paul, No Panties Allowed, Exit Mars, Kiss Audio, Urban Chill, Blue Drift, Jessie Pinkman