An invitation to young men for Holy Week
Read about the improvements we plan to make while the organ is being repaired due to rain damage
Join Fr Alex, and stay in our new Guesthouse
Click for more
Watch the Blessing of Abbot Brendan
Belmont, Archdiocesan & National Documents
We welcome the relics of the soon-to-be saint
Welcome to our website on behalf of our brethren at Belmont, Peru and the Parishes that we serve.
We hope you will find this website a good way to connect with us. The Belmont Community will continue to pray for all those suffering and in need, particularly our parish, oblates, retreatants and friends.
Please be assured of our prayers,
Abbot Brendan
Saturdays: Vigil 4pm.
Sundays: Parish Masses 8.30am and 11am. Conventual (Community) Mass, 9.30am.
On weekdays the daily Conventual Mass is at 8am except on major solemnities. There is a Parish Mass on Tuesday and Friday at 10.15am.
You are also invited to come to any part of the Liturgy of the Hours. Books are always available - please ask if you need help.
Vigils and Lauds: 6:30am
Conventual Mass: 8:00am
Midday Prayer: 12:45pm
Vespers: 5.55pm
Compline: 8.00pm
Vigils and Lauds: 6.30am
Conventual Mass: 9.30am
Midday Prayer: 12.45pm
Vespers & Benediction: 5.55pm
Compline: 8.00pm
The Abbey Shop is open at the following times:
8.45am-9.15am and