Our Ministry
Mission: Berean Academy equips students with academic excellence, a Biblical worldview, and Christ-like character for the glory of God.
Vision: Berean Academy partners with parents and the local church to develop Christ-like disciples who grow in wisdom and knowledge for a lifetime of meaningful impact in God's world, for His glory.
Philosophy: Berean Academy exists to give the students the tools to develop a Christian world- and life- view based upon the faith that the origin, purpose, and destiny of life are centered in Jesus Christ, thus enabling them to glorify and honor God in their thoughts, words, and actions.

Core Values
Biblical Authority: The Bible is divinely inspired and without error, authoritative and effective, and sufficient for faith and practice. It will be integrated into every class and student activity to foster a Biblical, Christ-centered worldview (II Timothy 3:16-17, Deuteronomy 6:4-9; Proverbs 1:1-7).
Parental Partnership: Parents are the primary educators of their children and the school exists to assist them in this task. Together parents and teachers challenge students to be servant leaders and critical thinkers who understand the ways of the Lord and treat everyone with dignity, honor, and respect. Parents are encouraged to assist other families to attend Berean Academy through the Family Education Grant (FEG) (Deuteronomy 6:4-9; Proverbs 6:20-23; I Peter 4:10-11, Psalms 119:97-104).
Christ-Centered: Berean Academy is committed to Christ-like behavior in business and fiscal responsibility (including remaining debt-free), in administrative and board leadership, and in personal conduct with a focus on harmony and unity in the lives of the Berean family (Hebrews 13:18; I Peter 2:12).
Educational Excellence: A well-rounded, accredited program of academia and co-curricular activities is provided by committed teachers and staff who are excellent in their field of teaching and consistently model godly behavior (II Timothy 2:15; Colossians 3:23, Proverbs 22:29).