West Point, NY is a beautiful small town located in Orange County with a population of 6,386 people. The population density of West Point is 344 people per square mile, much higher than the US Population Density of 93 People per Square Mile. The city offers an array of businesses and activities for its residents. Notable local businesses include West Point Market, Kantine Restaurant & Bar, and Hudson Valley Ice Cream Factory. West Point also provides numerous outdoor activities such as cross country running, biking, hiking and camping throughout the year at Camp Buckner & Frederick J. Johnson Park. Other organizations that are available to the public are the West Point Museum and the West Point Public Library System. Local sporting events like football games or track meets can be enjoyed at the Michie Stadium or Anderson Track & Field Complex on campus at U.S Military Academy.
The population in West Point is 6,386. There are 328 people per square mile aka population density. The median age in West Point is 21, the US median age is 38.4. The number of people per household in West Point is 3.8, the US average of people per household is 2.6.
Family in West Point
- 29.1% are married
- 1.3% are divorced
- 81.9% are married with children
- 4.5% have children, but are single
Race in West Point
- 73.3% are White
- 5.9% are Black
- 4.2% are Asian
- 0.2% are Native American
- 1.2% claim Other
- 10.3% claim Hispanic ethnicity
- 4.9% Two or more races
- 0.0% Hawaiian, Pacific Islander