Zip 29546 (Gresham, SC) Rankings

1 Reviews

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United States / South Carolina / No Metro Area / Marion County / No City / Gresham (zip 29546)

29546 Gresham, SC is a small town in Williamsburg County with a population of just over 900 people. Despite its size, the town has consistently ranked favorably on the BestPlaces list, with strong showings across several categories. In terms of cost of living, Gresham ranks very highly compared to other towns in South Carolina, coming in at an impressive 5th place statewide. On the education ratings, Gresham scores above average with a B+ grade. Similarly for crime & safety the town receives an A rating from Bestplaces. Finally when it comes to diversity and weather ratings Gresham scores a B- and B+ respectively. Overall 29546 Gresham SC provides residents with a great quality of life and ample opportunities for growth and development.

Best Places ranks thousands of places to live based on analysis, data and key statistics from the U.S. Census and our Best Places To Live Expert Insights.

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Reviews for Gresham
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Over 16 years ago

I grew up in Gresham, but i haven't always lived here. Lots of land, not many people, and the country air. We have one convience store and 1 small grocery store.   More

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