Jewish Book Club
Join us in the social hall for our monthly book club. The pick for March is Ladies’ Lunch by Lore Segal.

Lay-Led Shabbat Service
Join us for a community led Shabbat service at 7pm, preceded by a pre-Shabbat dinner and Oneg to follow.

Staged Reading of The Echoes of Vilna Play
Music Building, Interlochen Arts Academy (Free admission)
Echoes of Vilna is a new play by Traverse City playwright Ken Newbury that transports audiences into the Vilna Ghetto, where poetry, music, and unyielding hope become weapons of survival. Directed by Esther Triggs and based on actual diaries of young people in the Ghetto, this next-generation Holocaust drama is a call to bear witness and honor the resilience of those who refused to be forgotten.
Let's support our Jewish Interlochen students as they stage the world premiere show.
For questions, email Ken Newbury [email protected]

Interfaith Passover Seder
Passover Seder with Grace Episcopal Church
April 17, 2025
Grace Episcopal Church Fellowship Hall
341 Washington St.
Congregation Beth Shalom will partner with Grace Episcopal Church to offer a Passover Seder on Thursday, April 17, in the Grace Fellowship Hall. This will be a traditional (albeit shortened) Seder led by Rabbi Arnie exploring the timeless themes of freedom, justice, and community.
Arnie hopes for 10-15 participants (or more!) from Beth Shalom so each table will have at least one Temple member to interact with our guests and help the Seder go smoothly.
We anticipate about 50-60 participants from the Grace Episcopal church.
Each participant will have their own Haggadah and Seder plate with traditional ritual items.
Immediately following the Seder, we will serve matzah ball soup, savory bites, and sweet treats.
At 7 pm, The Rev. Jim Perra (Rector) will conduct a Maundy Thursday service ( in the Grace Sanctuary. This will focus on the importance of serving one another and will include the ritual washing of feet. All are welcome to attend (but do not have to).
This is a wonderful opportunity to share our Passover traditions with non-Jewish friends and colleagues in a spirit of mutual respect and understanding across faiths. In so doing, we help to build bridges in the community and lay a foundation for cooperation.
Nancy Newbury ([email protected]) and Karen Segal ([email protected]) are coordinating the event and need your help to make it successful. WE HAVE HAD A GREAT RESPONSE BUT STILL NEED SOME SAVORY SIDE DISHES, DESSERTS AND CHAROSETS. Our own Eric Patterson will make the Matza ball soup – THANK YOU! Can you provide a dessert or savory dish? We will also need a few people to help with set-up and clean up. Please fill out the RSVP form (below) or contact Nancy or Karen directly.

Shabbat Services with Rabbi Arnie
Join us for kabbalat Shabbat with Rabbi Arnie at 7pm, preceded by a community potluck Shabbat dinner at 6pm, with Oneg to follow.

Family Friendly Passover Seder
Passover Family Seder
Join us for our Passover Family Seder led by Rabbi Arnie on Saturday, April 19th, 2–4 PM, at the Presbyterian Church of Traverse City (701 Westminster Rd) to gather, celebrate and reflect as a community.
How You Can Help:
- - Bring a potluck dish (salad, side dish, charoset, hard-boiled eggs).
- - Help with setup at 1:30 PM and/or stay for cleanup (about 30 minutes).
Contact Anna Denzel to let us know which dish you will be bringing ([email protected]).
Your support is vital and deeply appreciated.
Free to attend; donations welcome. We look forward to seeing you!

Congregation Community Passover Seder
The Congregational Seder is scheduled for April 19, 2025 from 6-8 PM at the Presbyterian
Church of Traverse City: 701 Westminster Rd. Traverse City.
We welcome all volunteers who will be needed for set up and clean-up at 4:30 PM and at 8 PM respectively. Volunteers will also be needed to set up the Seder Plate for each table. We request Congregation members to bring Charoset with an ingredient label and/or to bring a Passover Dessert to share, also with an ingredient label.
Please contact: Congregational Seder Chair: Joanne L. Blum at [email protected] or Co-Chairs: Ken Newberry at [email protected]; or Nancy Newberry at [email protected] to volunteer.
The cost to attend the Congregational Seder is:
Adult and Seniors: $25.00
Teens 13-18: $20.00
12 and under: $15.00
Deadline for RSVP: 4/9/25
Payment can be made through Shalom Cloud HERE or by mailing a check to the temple at:
Congregation Beth Shalom
PO Box 2445
Traverse City, MI 49685
Please contact Ken Newbury at [email protected] to volunteer.
Thanks to all who volunteer for this wonderful part of our holiday year!

Lay-Led Shabbat Service
Join us for a lay-led Shabbat Service at 6pm with a pre-Shabbat potluck at 5pm and Oneg following the service.

Lay-Led Shabbat Service
Join us for a lay-led Shabbat Service at 6pm with a pre-Shabbat potluck at 5pm and Oneg following the service.

Lay-Led Shabbat Service
Join us for a lay-led Shabbat Service at 6pm with a pre-Shabbat potluck at 5pm and Oneg following the service.

Jewish Book Club
Join us for the inaugural meeting of our new Jewish book club, hosted by Anna on Sunday January 12th at 10am. This month’s book is Comedy in a Minor Key by Hans Keilson.

Torah Study with Rabbi Arnie
Join us for Torah Study with Rabbi Arnie on Shabbat morning from 10-11:30am. Bagels and schmear provided by Bubbie’s Bagels.

Shabbat Services with Rabbi Arnie
Join us for Kabbalat Shabbat with Rabbi Arnie at 6 pm. There will be a pre-shabbat dinner at 5pm and Oneg following services.

Lay-Led Shabbat Service
Join us for community led shabbat services, preceded by a Potluck and followed by Oneg.

Torah Study with Rabbi Arnie
Join us for Torah Study with Rabbi Arnie on Simchat Torah weekend. Bagels provided by Bubbie’s Bagels.

Shabbat Service celebrating Simchat Torah with Rabbi Arnie
Join us for Shabbat services with Rabbi Arnie to celebrate Simchat Torah at 7pm and oneg to follow. Potluck at 6pm before services.

Adult & family friendly games and programming with dinner in the Sukkah
Lay-led Sukkot service and Havdalah to follow
Rain Date: Sunday, October 20th

Yom Kippur Break Fast
Yom Kippur Break Fast will be a dairy/vegetarian Mediterranean style meal. Reservations required by October 6th, form below.
If you are a non-member a donation is appreciated to help cover High Holy Day expenses. Thank you!

Yizkor and Yom Kippur Concluding Services
Join us for the Yizkor service at 4:30pm. If you have anyone you’d like remembered during the service please add their names to the form below. Concluding service at 5pm.
If you are a non-member a donation is appreciated to help cover High Holy Day expenses. Thank you!

Yom Kippur Family Service
Join us for the Yom Kippur Family Service led by Rabbi Arnie Sleutelberg at the UU Congregation.
If you are a non-member a donation is appreciated to help cover High Holy Day expenses. Thank you!

Yom Kippur Morning Service
Join us for the morning service led by Rabbi Arnie Sleutelberg on Yom Kippur at the UU.
If you are a non-member a donation is appreciated to help cover High Holy Day expenses. Thank you!

Yom Kippur Kol Nidre
Join us for Yom Kippur Kol Nidre service led by Rabbi Arnie Sleutelberg at the UU Congregation.
If you are a non-member a donation is appreciated to help cover High Holy Day expenses. Thank you!

Rosh Hashanah Family Service
Join our family friendly service for Rosh Hashanah led by Rabbi Arnie Sleutelberg. Note it is at the UU not the synagogue.
If you are a non-member a donation is appreciated to help cover High Holy Day expenses. Thank you!

Rosh Hashanah Tashlich service and lunch to follow
Join us for Tashlich on the bay at 12:30 followed by lunch at Harrington’s at 1:15. Lunch will be menu service with individual bills. Must RSVP for lunch by September 29th!
If you are a non-member a donation is appreciated to help cover High Holy Day expenses. Thank you!

Rosh Hashanah Service
Join us for Rosh Hashanah service led by Rabbi Arnie Sleutelberg. Please note that this service will be held at the UU not the synagogue. There will not be a service on the 2nd day of Rosh Hashanah.
If you are a non-member a donation is appreciated to help cover High Holy Day expenses. Thank you!

Erev Rosh Hashanah
Erev Rosh Hashanah service led by Rabbi Arnie Sleutelberg followed by Oneg. Please be sure to note that this service will be at the UU and not the synagogue.
If you are a non-member a donation is appreciated to help cover High Holy Day expenses. Thank you!

Lay-Led Shabbat Service
Join us for a beautiful community led shabbat service, preceded by a potluck dinner with oneg to follow.

Endowment Fund Meeting
A special opportunity for members to ask questions and learn about the new endowment fund. Bring dessert and wine to share.

Our Torah Dances Again
Join us to celebrate the 60th anniversary of our Prague Torah rescued from the Holocaust! Special commemorative service by Rabbi Arnie and Rabbi Al, music by Jeff Haas, silent auction of Judaic art, and a reception.

Torah Study
Join us for Torah Study with guest Rabbi Debbie. Bagels provided by Bubbie’s Bagels.

Shabbat Service with Rabbi Arnie
Rabbi Arnie leads us in Shabbat services.
We will have a potluck at 6PM beforehand. Services begin at 7PM followed by Oneg.
For those who cannot make in-person services, you may join us via Zoom.

Community-led Shabbat Service
Please join us at 6pm for a community potluck followed by services at 7pm led by our own community members, followed by Oneg.
Please RSVP if you plan on coming to the potluck and/or Oneg so that we can plan accordingly.

Mini Retreat with guest Rabbi Debbie
Mini Retreat with families from Temple B’Nai Israel in Petoskey
Grand Traverse Conservation District Education Center
1450 Cass Road, Traverse City, MI
(rain locale: shul)
This family friendly mini retreat will celebrate our Judaism in an open shelter with an outdoor potluck followed by an optional short hike (approximately 3/4 of a mile)* with stops along the way
for Shabbat activities
Potluck dinner & Havdalah service to follow
*wear comfortable hiking shoes

Torah Study with guest Rabbi Debbie
Join us for Torah Study with guest Rabbi Debbie. Bagels provided by Bubbie’s Bagels.

Shabbat Service with guest Rabbi Debbie
Join us for Shabbat Service with guest Rabbi Debbie. We will have a potluck at 6PM beforehand. Services begin at 7PM followed by Oneg.
For those who cannot make in-person services, you may join us via Zoom.