Account Related
Q. How can i retreive my lost password ?
To get a new password, visit Retreive Password. A new password will be generated and will be sent to your email id.
Q. How can i change my password ?
To change your password, visit Change Password
Q. How can i change my email id ?
Visit Change Email OR send a mail to [email protected] and we will change the email id for you. Please do not forget to mention your old email id in the mail.
Q. How can I change my contact name and current location?
Please visit Edit Profile page. Make the desired changes and click on Update. Please note that the changes you make will be updated through out the site.
Q. How can i completely delete my account ?
Right now there is no option to completely delete your account. You can however delete all the ads posted in this website. Once you delete the ads posted by you, your contact information will be hidden and no one can contact you through phone or email.
Bike Seller Related
Q. I have sold my bike. Still I am getting enquiries through email and phone calls.
If you have sold your bike, please delete it from Bikes4Sale. You can do that by logging into My Account and clicking on the Delete Button.
Q. How can I add more photos of my bike?
Go to My Account. Click on Add Photos to upload the new photos.
Q. How can I edit my bike details?
Go to My Account. Click on Add Details to edit the details of your bike.
Q. How can I see all the messages received from buyers?
Please login and visit My Messages page.
Other Questions
Q. I am a buyer. How can I see all the messages I have sent to sellers?
Please login and visit Expressed Interest page.
Q. I am not receiving any emails from Bikes4Sale
The emails may have gone to your spam folder.
Check your spam and bulk folder and add [email protected] to your contacts list.
Sometimes, some email service providers have problems with delivering mails from Bikes4Sale. If you have added your bike to Bikes4Sale and is not receiving emails, you can see all the inquiries by logging to My Account. If you are not receiving your new password, just send a mail to [email protected]. We will send you the new password.
Sometimes, some email service providers have problems with delivering mails from Bikes4Sale. If you have added your bike to Bikes4Sale and is not receiving emails, you can see all the inquiries by logging to My Account. If you are not receiving your new password, just send a mail to [email protected]. We will send you the new password.
Q. Your service was really good. How can I write a testimonial?
You can write a testimonial in the feedbacks section.
Q. I still have some doubts
Please send a mail to [email protected]
Complaints and Mistakes
Q. I am not a registered member of this site. But someone else has given my mobile no in this site. How can i remove that?
Please send a mail to [email protected] . We will remove the advertisement as soon as possible.
Q. I have found some mistakes in the site.
Please send a mail to [email protected] with the error details.
Q. I have some other questions.
Please send a mail to [email protected]