Gemini Birthstones
Gemini is the 3rd sign of zodiac with its name originating from a constellation called also Gemini. In ancient Babylon the stars of Castor and Pollux were called the Great Twins. In Greek mythology Castor and Pollux were brothers from the same mother and different fathers (Tyndareus and Zeus). Castor was mortal, and when he passed his brother Pollux asked Zeus to make him immortal and unite the brothers, which Zeus did.
The symbol of Gemini is depicted by 2 pillars joined at the top and base, which is believed to be related to the 2 pillars in King Solomon’s porch named Jachin and Boaz and meaning ‘He will establish’ and in him is strength’ respectively.
Tourmaline Paraiba jewelry set. Tourmaline is one of Gemini birthstones.
From the old times birthstones have been associated with the sign of zodiac. What is Gemini birthstone? Which stone Gemini should wear? All Gemini birthstones are sapphire, aquamarine, hematite, agate, chrysoprase and tourmaline. Here are some details on that line up of Gemini gems.
According to the old Spanish list that we use birthstone for Gemini is sapphire. Early 20th century author and astrologist Horace Thomson reckoned that Gemini star lucky stone is aquamarine and also hematite.
Gemini’s children health and wealth command,
And all the ills of age withstand,
Who wear their rings on either hand
Of agate.
The above rhyme was supposedly written by Gearge Kunz, a renowned mineralogist and birthstone expert. In his opinion, Gemini birthstone is agate.
As per Kate Pavitt, a researcher in the field of talismans and zodiacal gems, Gemini zodiac sign stone is chrysoprase. Kazimir Kosminsky, early 20th century author and astrologist, considered tourmaline in all colors to be Gemini birth crystal. He also noted Gemini birthstone color is mixed white and red.
With 6 great Gemini birthstones up for grabs, which one you should go for? We think it is entirely up to you! You can have some or all of them based on your feelings, preferences and any other good reason!
If you are a June Gemini you an also look at June birthstones, or otherwise July birthstones may be a good addition to the Gemini birthstones list!