Early retailer information indicates that, on May 10, 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment will separately release the four Alien movies � Alien, Aliens, Alien� and Alien: Resurrection � previously only available as part of the Alien Anthology, released in October 26.
These are reportedly single-disc releases and won't include the bonus discs on the Anthology (Making the Anthology and The Anthology Archives).
And these will be $20 a pop, making it no deal initially. I'll still wait for the Anthology to hit under $50 to pick up all 4, even if i don't like the 3rd, and didnt care too much for the 4th either.
Cool. I really only like 2 & 3. Yes I actually like the 3rd one. The first one was good but a little slow for my taste. Anyway if the whole set drops to $50 I'll get it, if not I'll be fine with 2 & 3.
i dont see the point u will end up spending the same im happier i bought the box given i like 1-3 alot despite what some people say 3 was badass 4 was meh but still im atrue alien fan so i had to buy them all and they look badass in HD i cant wair for the prequel
Whilst the artwork is certainly cool and some of the best I've ever seen, everyone would be better getting the Anthology, even if you do hate 3 and 4 and just want the first two, because it'd cost the same amount and you get all the extras too.
That's some sweet cover art! I'm still going to buy the Anthology but I may pick up the separate release for ALIENS, too, since that's my absolute favourite. Looking at the cover art, though, I almost want to pick them ALL up along with the Anthology! LOL! My luck, I'll buy the Anthology and all these and then Fox will go and release some kick-@$$ Steelbooks, too!
Fantastic, while I've been tempted to get the complete package, I really don't like the third and fourth movie, and I consider only the two first to be the real deal. They're miles above in terms of quality compared to the two last. So I'm definitely getting at least Aliens which is my favorite in the franchise.
There is no reason not to own the anthology, Even if you only enjoy the first two, just condiser 3 and 4 to be part of the bonus materials. The producers cut of 3 is a good movie, I now consider only the 4th to be a dissapointment
I got the anthology set for free so no loss there. I will be getting Aliens for sure, it was my favorite one of the series and I am loving the cover art.
Wow I'm surprised how quickly they did this. Maybe sales of the set weren't what they expected?
That said, while I love my UK box and have no desire for these versions, I'm very glad for those that held out for them that they are getting the singles so quickly!
Knew this was coming as I just bought the boxset. Luckily I only paid $50 for it from Costco, so technically I paid $25 each for Alien and Aliens (which is all I wanted), so I probably saved some money as I know Fox will probably charge a full $30 each.
Well, shoot. I would sell my anthology to get just the first two movies, but there are so many good special features on disc 5 and 6 of the anthology that I don't think it's worth giving up. Nice cover art, though.
Am I the only one, who actually liked Alien Resurrection? To me, Alien Resurrection was better than Alien 3. Alien 3 was boring. Well anyways, I've purchased the Anthology from Amazon UK for only $53.00 last year. You can't beat that!
Figured this would happen as soon as I saw the ANTHOLOGY set's disc breakdown: If you want individual movies (i.e., ALIEN and ALIENS only) *and* that/those film's/films' respective supplements, you're SOL.
I'll definitely keep an eye on it. It's at about $45 USD which is awesome enough for me. Might even pick it up this weekend if I don't blow my whole check Sat night first.
Like others here I had a friend purchase the Anthology at a Costco just north of Seattle in Vancouver Canada as Costco stores up there are phasing them out and heavily discounted them down to $49.97 Canadian (about the same in U.S. dollars). I just got it last weekend from him, haven't had time to watch it, but ultimately I was only interested in the first two films, but since they will more than likely be $20 each, I don't mind paying the extra $10 and having the entire 6-disc collection. If you know anyone in Canada, have them check their Costco locations because as of last weekend they still had them available. Region "A" and in the book-like packaging too.
@Timelord - definitely not the same amount when the first two are selling for $25 each (saving about $20 overall). Will pick them up eventually when they drop in price.
Excellent. Hopefully, this will cause a price drop on the Anthology, which is what I want. I've never even SEEN 2, 3, or 4, but I'm a completist, and could not be comfortable buying just Alien when I know that 2, 3, and 4 are out there...not to mention that I'm a sucker for bonus material. Let's see how low the box set will go! I'm personally holding out for $30.
Yessssss! Alien and Aliens DAY ONE for me without a doubt! Glad I waited... I just can't buy anything that contains those other two seriously inferior, poorly thought out films. In my world anyway... they don't even exist.
I love the big Alien Anthology box I bought for around $60 back in November and so won't need to pick up these individual releases, but this is definitely good news for anyone who wanted the films individually (although the supplements won't be quite as extensive as they are in the anthology box). Fox is handling this series well, in my opinion.
This is great news to me! I like to have my collection uniform, so I really hate boxsets. I own the Anthology and it really sticks out like a sore thumb!
I will download and print the covers so that I can put the discs in regular cases.
Just Alien for me. "In space, no one can hear you scream" unless you're watching one of the silly sequels to the greatest sci-fi/horror film of all time.
I saw the first day opening matinee of Alien and it has stayed a favorite for all these years. Aliens was thrilling and more of a war movie to the monster on the loose haunted house of the first film. Not a fanatic and had no interest in the box set so I am delighted to finally get my hands of Alien and Aliens.
Why do people hate 3 and 4 so badly? Personally people act like its such an affront to have to own those two, yet will gladly buy the 6-movie Star Wars set without a complaint. I love both franchises, but I'd sit through Alien 3 and Resurrection over Episodes 1 and 2 any day of the week.
I held off on the Anthology because like many I depsise 3 and Resurrection, but I might get it if these have no bonus features. If they just divide up most of Anthology's features based on the film they relate to, I'll be happy
Yes because the age of the movie somehow makes it lower quality and also worth less...I think you have that backwards, I'd rather pay $25 for Alien than for Transformers...
It sucks that they are only 1 disc editions without special features or collectible packaging. They did this with the dvd box set as well, but at least they released the special editions of the films separately.
Ressurection sucks!! The 3 first ones is awesome!! I'll buy only this 3... The fourth movie was a total disaster!! Should never been made!! Ruined the whole franchising...
Yes, IMO the older titles should be less b/c they have been out for so long and in many other formats like VHS, Laser disc, DVD. The original Alien movie is now 32 years old, so I don't think they should be selling it at a "new release" price. Take for example the star wars movies on BD will be 15$ each. Taxi driver, and Apocalypse now are 13$ each (with many other BD titles now sub 10$) The anthology BD set released last year, now being sold @ 70$ which is 17.50/movie. Thus again IMO 25$ for these is overpriced, but wait a year and the price may drop in the 13- 15$ range.
I don't think its any secret that typically newer movies look/sound amazing on BD. So showcasing your home theater set-up in terms of crystal clear HD picture and amazing lossless 7.1 channel sound of a newer title like Transformers, as you mentioned, star trek, or avatar as other examples will impress you & others and really show Blu-ray's strengths. Unless the studio really takes their time on a complete remaster on older titles the differences from the much cheaper DVD version will be minimal. These haven't been released yet so no one can really comment on their (audio/video) quality, boxes look nice though. I agree w/ most others, the first two are the only ones worth owning so it's great the studio is releasing them individually now.
"i dont see the point u will end up spending the same im happier i bought the box given i like 1-3 alot despite what some people say 3 was badass 4 was meh but still im atrue alien fan so i had to buy them all and they look badass in HD i cant wair for the prequel"
I do not understand what you're writing. You shot your sentences to death and spread the words all over the room.
I bought the Anthology back in November (I think) and recently enjoyed an "Alien Marathon" ... I hadnt seen any of the movies except Aliens in a LONG time. I dont see why everyone is making such a fuss over 3 and 4??? Even though 4 didn't seem to "fit" with the other movies as well I enjoyed all of them, but maybe I just have an odd taste in movies (btw I loved AVP!!!!)
And I'll agree that the Cover Art on these is AMAZING!!! I wish the box set had been individual packaging!!!
Great news! Usually it takes much longer for single discs to be released. Alien is a horror masterpiece. Aliens though not a horror movie(some people claim it to be horror), is definitely a sci-fi(action)classic and lots of fun. Part 3 is a horrible turd of a film and part 4 is mediocre at best. So I'll buy 1 & 2 and hope that they come with some extras, and If the don't..no biggie.
I really glad to see this. So far at least the Anthology hasn't been available at the price of the two singles and I found the 3rd and 4th movies so bad that even $5 more for the pair would be a stretch.
The anthology is my all time favorite Blu-ray set and a true accomplishment to the format. I love the first 3 so I'm okay having one crappy movie to get the better set, as apposed to buying the first 3 separately to avoid getting Resurrection.
Awesome. I have never seen Alien or Aliens (yeah, yeah. I know) but I've been jonesing to get them on Blu. Alien Anthology doesn't interest me at all, because I want the first two for Ridley Scott and James Cameron specifically*, don't have much interest in the franchise as a whole. Just the movies that created a cultural phenomenon.
*Oh, and as a rule I hate unique packaging. Just the Blu-cases please (Slipcovers can burn in hell where they belong)