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Doctor Who & Torchwood

Gallifrey's last surviving time lord.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Charter & A Note on Spoilers - Please Read
02-10-06 16:57
1 10.2K
Season 14; Russell T Davies Returns 12...89
27-12-24 20:10
441 9.1K
General Ongoing Doctor Discussion 12...2223
23-11-24 20:08
1.1K 43.7K
who would make a good Doctor?
22-05-24 10:40
18 1.9K
Doctor Who - Season 13 - (**Spoilers**) 123
25-03-24 9:30
107 1.5K
Tom Baker regales his Doctor exploits
06-03-24 10:35
0 42
Doctor Who Spyfall S012e01 - discussion!
05-02-24 15:03
31 1.5K
**Spoilers** Series 7, Episode 5 - "The Angels Take Manhatten" 123
30-11-23 21:37
109 7.6K
Apple TV DW series
08-11-23 2:10
0 71
Great series on Youtube on DW
06-11-22 18:30
14 2.3K
The End of Time Part 2 - Spoilers 1234
28-07-22 20:40
156 13K
Redacted: Podcast Audio Drama
20-04-22 19:54
0 2
Doctor Who - Special - Legend of the Sea Devils - 17/4/22 BBC
18-04-22 12:24
8 91
The Doctors and keeping them in sequence
29-09-21 9:12
1 21
/dev/random/ 12...1516
18-05-10 21:37
761 113.9K
Revolution of the Daleks - BBC America - Captain Jack Christmas Episode
23-11-20 22:11
36 1.2K
Doctor Who and Torchwood on UK/Ireland Netflix
05-01-13 13:41
18 5.9K
Sarah Jane Adventures Series 5.
21-09-11 0:57
15 3.3K
Who was your favourite Doctor?
30-11-19 14:29
0 317
Doctor Who Episode in 2019
03-07-19 7:19
9 1.1K
Doctor Who Season 11 [** Spoilers **] 12...67
30-09-18 11:55
323 14.2K
Doctor Who audio books on humble bundle
16-08-18 6:14
0 449
New book coming for Christmas
16-07-18 13:05
1 729
Doctor Who Spin Off "Class" 12
01-10-15 22:14
51 5K
Doctor Who Season 9 Soundtrack
28-03-18 23:06
3 597
Doctor Who: Shada (2017) --- Tom Baker [Partly Animated]
01-02-18 23:14
2 618
Doctor Who Christmas Special [**Spoilers**]
25-12-17 18:33
34 2.4K
Doctor Who Season 10 [** Spoilers **] 12...78
17-12-17 21:45
380 21.2K
Favourite Doctor Who quotes/one-liners
13-10-17 15:03
8 1.3K
Who's your favourite incarnation of the Doctor? (New poll)
12-10-17 15:00
35 5K
Torchwood Series 5 is Happening, But As An Audio Drama
12-05-17 12:53
2 849