The Royal Manitoba Winter Fair

Winter Fair buzzes with excitement

Michele McDougall 7 minute read Tuesday, Mar. 26, 2024

As soon as the doors opened for Day 1 of the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair in Brandon, seven-year-old Braydon Mahoney from Reston was pulling on his mom’s hand and leading her to the Royal Farm Yard in the Flynn Arena — or as Braydon calls it, the petting zoo.

“It’s only two dollars for a cup of their food and the lambs come right up and lick your hand,” he said as he laughed.

The timing of the fair is perfect, said Jewel Sundell, who added now that it’s spring break she and her three daughters can take their time and wander around.

“I came every year as a little girl — I don’t think we ever missed a year,” Sundell said. “And I’m a teacher, so this is good for my three daughters. They are animal lovers, and they love being able to interact with them, And after this, we’ll head upstairs to watch the horse jumping.”


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Day 1 at the Winter Fair

2 minute read Preview

Day 1 at the Winter Fair

2 minute read Tuesday, Mar. 26, 2024

The Royal Manitoba Winter Fair kicked off Monday at the Keystone Centre.

Over six days, the Keystone Centre will play host to horse shows, livestock sales and displays, live entertainment and hundreds of commercial and agricultural exhibits.

Here are some of the highlights from opening day.

» The Brandon Sun

Tuesday, Mar. 26, 2024

Noah Weigel (left) and Joey Vedres (right) of the Three Hat Circus ham it up between shows as they walk through the trade show in the Keystone Centre at the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair. (Matt Goerzen/The Brandon Sun)

Noah Weigel (left) and Joey Vedres (right) of the Three Hat Circus ham it up between shows as they walk through the trade show in the Keystone Centre at the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair. (Matt Goerzen/The Brandon Sun)

Getting ready for Royal Manitoba Winter Fair

By Colin Slark 6 minute read Preview

Getting ready for Royal Manitoba Winter Fair

By Colin Slark 6 minute read Monday, Mar. 25, 2024

The Royal Manitoba Winter Fair took shape on Sunday, with exhibitors getting their animals ready, vendors setting up their booths and workers assembling rides throughout the Keystone Centre ahead of opening day.

Heather Hart and her husband Rod of Meadowind Miniatures from Carman were busy trimming hair on the four miniature horses they brought for competition this year when the Sun visited the venue.

She said they arrived on Saturday and got set up in about three hours with the help of the Manitoba Miniature Horse Club.

“It becomes a whole community,” Hart said of attending the fair. “It’s like going to the cottage in the summer … we know all the people in the other breeds as well.”

Monday, Mar. 25, 2024

First-time competitors thriving at fair

Kyle Darbyson 5 minute read Preview

First-time competitors thriving at fair

Kyle Darbyson 5 minute read Friday, Mar. 31, 2023

Tyne Alliban and her family drove more than 1,000 kilometres to compete in the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair horse show for the first time, a decision that’s already paying dividends for the equine enthusiasts from Alberta.

Friday, Mar. 31, 2023

Tyne Alliban competes in Thursday’s jumping competitions at Westoba Place atop Stormy Spirited. Alliban and her family travelled all the way from Carstairs, Alta., for the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair horse show. (Kyle Darbyson/The Brandon Sun)

Tyne Alliban competes in Thursday’s jumping competitions at Westoba Place atop Stormy Spirited. Alliban and her family travelled all the way from Carstairs, Alta., for the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair horse show. (Kyle Darbyson/The Brandon Sun)

Fair offers range of royally delectable treats

By Matt Goerzen 3 minute read Preview

Fair offers range of royally delectable treats

By Matt Goerzen 3 minute read Thursday, Mar. 30, 2023

There’s something oddly satisfying about walking through the crowded hallways and venues of the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair this year. The crowds are back — and with a vengeance. The Keystone Centre was packed with people on Wednesday afternoon, which no doubt will thrill the Provincial Exhibition of Manitoba.

Thursday, Mar. 30, 2023

Lexi Brown, an employee at one of the two Smoked and Sauced Mobile BBQ booths at the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair, holds out a pair of sandwich favourites: a Pac-Mac Dog (left) and pulled pork with coleslaw (right). (Matt Goerzen/The Brandon Sun)

Lexi Brown, an employee at one of the two Smoked and Sauced Mobile BBQ booths at the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair, holds out a pair of sandwich favourites: a Pac-Mac Dog (left) and pulled pork with coleslaw (right). (Matt Goerzen/The Brandon Sun)

Cattle group reaches out to save owls

Ian Hitchen 5 minute read Preview

Cattle group reaches out to save owls

Ian Hitchen 5 minute read Thursday, Mar. 30, 2023

They may seem unlikely partners, but a group that represents cattle farmers says cows and owls are a natural fit.

Thursday, Mar. 30, 2023

Jessica Riach with the Manitoba Burrowing Owl Recovery Program holds a burrowing owl for visitors to meet during the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair at the Keystone Centre on Tuesday. (Tim Smith/The Brandon Sun)

Jessica Riach with the Manitoba Burrowing Owl Recovery Program holds a burrowing owl for visitors to meet during the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair at the Keystone Centre on Tuesday. (Tim Smith/The Brandon Sun)

Holmes stays the course

Geena Mortfield 5 minute read Preview

Holmes stays the course

Geena Mortfield 5 minute read Thursday, Mar. 30, 2023

On a daily basis, Peter Holmes can be found at his computer, arranging patterns of challenging obstacles that test the skill and ability of horse and rider.

Thursday, Mar. 30, 2023

A rider and horse prepare to leap over an obstacle in the Hunter Jumper show during the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair at the Keystone Centre on Tuesday morning. Peter Holmes is responsible for designing the horse jumping courses at the fair this year. (Tim Smith/The Brandon Sun)

A rider and horse prepare to leap over an obstacle in the Hunter Jumper show during the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair at the Keystone Centre on Tuesday morning. Peter Holmes is responsible for designing the horse jumping courses at the fair this year. (Tim Smith/The Brandon Sun)

Monday evening results for the RMWF

2 minute read Preview

Monday evening results for the RMWF

2 minute read Tuesday, Mar. 28, 2023

The Brandon Sun will post daily class results from the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair. These are the official results from the Gambler's Choice show jumping event, as well as the Hackney, Men's Cart and Horse Tandem Team competitions. (Courtesy of the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair)

Tuesday, Mar. 28, 2023

The Brandon Sun will post daily class results from the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair. These are the official results from the Gambler's Choice show jumping event, as well as the Hackney, Men's Cart and Horse Tandem Team competitions. (Courtesy of the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair)

The Brandon Sun will post daily class results from the  Royal Manitoba Winter Fair. These are the official results from the Gambler's Choice show jumping event, as well as the Hackney, Men's Cart and Horse Tandem Team competitions. (Courtesy of the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair)

Winter Fair is for the birds

Kyle Darbyson 4 minute read Preview

Winter Fair is for the birds

Kyle Darbyson 4 minute read Tuesday, Mar. 28, 2023

Agile birds of prey helped kick off the 2023 Royal Manitoba Winter Fair on Monday morning, taking over the Keystone Centre’s amphitheatre alongside their handlers from the Canadian Raptor Conservancy.

Tuesday, Mar. 28, 2023

Canadian Raptor Conservancy director James Cowan introduces Royal Manitoba Winter Fair audiences to Bruce the bald eagle inside the Keystone Centre's amphitheatre on Monday morning. (Kyle Darbyson/The Brandon Sun)

Canadian Raptor Conservancy director James Cowan introduces Royal Manitoba Winter Fair audiences to Bruce the bald eagle inside the Keystone Centre's amphitheatre on Monday morning. (Kyle Darbyson/The Brandon Sun)