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Why Build a Deer Hunting Pond?
Hunting is more than a sport or a pastime. For many, it’s a way of life.
Maintenance for Decorative Retention Ponds
Building the world’s best retention pond may result in awards and accolades from the community.
Permanently Filled vs Temporary Drainage Basin
Retention and detention ponds are commonly confused, and the similarities in their names don’t help.
Attracting Wildlife Without Damage to the Retention Pond
There are quite a few reasons to target certain wildlife when designing a retention pond.
Planting Retention Ponds for a Natural Look
Retention ponds thrive when planted and tend to experience issues when kept bare
Lining Retention Ponds: Why and How
The earliest retention ponds were all unlined because there was little understanding of why these ponds need lining so much
Options for Making Retention Ponds More Decorative
With many states requiring little to no features that would be purely decorative for retention ponds
Why are Most Retention Ponds Often So Unpopular?
Retention ponds are actually a positive feature of any neighborhood or urban area
The Importance of Water Retention Ponds
Retention ponds were once only used in agriculture and industrial site development
What Makes a Great Baffle?
It’s important to evaluate not only the material used for your baffle system
Designing an Efficient Clearwell Tank
It’s clear that strategic use of baffles in a clearwell tank enhances efficiency and effectiveness
The Benefits of Baffles
In general terms, a baffle is a barrier that slows and directs the flow of a liquid through a space
Disinfecting Potable Water with Chlorines
A clearwell, also called a contact or disinfectant tank, is where the disinfection step takes place.
Water Treatment Stages II: Disinfection and Storage
Once water has gone through the major steps of coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation, and filtration
Water Treatment Stages I: Removing Solids
Whatever the source, be it surface water or municipal wastewater, whenever water might be used for drinking, it must meet high standards for quality
What Exactly is a Clear Well?
A clear well (clearwell) is an enclosed tank that comprises the final storage tank in a municipal drinking water treatment system
Secondary Containment and Leak Detection for Landfill Cells
Secondary containment is a major challenge for every outdoor waste storage project
Soil Caps vs Geomembrane Caps for Landfill Cells
It’s often a misconception that landfill cell designers choose between soil or impermeable covers when creating a cap for a closed unit
Designing Multi-Layered Liner Systems for Landfills
Lining a landfill is quite possible, but it is a bigger challenge than some operators first assume
Open Dumps vs Sealed and Capped Landfill Cells
For centuries, solid waste disposal was informal and largely consisted of burning and burying trash
Why Methane Makes Landfill Capping So Tricky
The lined and capped design of a modern landfill cell may make it seem like the perfect way to contain solid waste
Why Landfills Liners and Caps Go Hand in Hand
Landfill cell design requires more than just correct volume calculations and properly sloped berms
The Basics of Landfill Cell Design
Almost all new landfills designed for solid waste in the U.S. follow the cell design