Gunmakers and dealers are grappling with slumping sales and a shift in politics that many didn't envision when gun-friendly Donald Trump took office.
Since gun control laws vary by state, the US is the most gun-friendly country in the world. But each state differs in how it approaches the gun industry.
The US arms industry’s close alliance with the government is as old as the country itself, beginning with the American Revolution.
What's even more American than a McDonald's Big Mac? Guns.
"We do expect a market reset."
Experts say firearms businesses may face stiffer internal competition than at any time in nearly a decade.
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A lot happens in the blink of an eye.
An error that showed a sharp decrease in background checks signaled to investors that the industry was experiencing a downturn.
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Would a gun even go off if not on dry land?
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A lot happens in the blink of an eye.
Barack Obama — or at least the threat of him — may be the greatest salesman the firearms industry has ever had.