China could restrict its export of rare-earth metals as a trade-war tactic. Here's what they are and why they're so crucial.

rare earth
Rare-earth metals, clockwise from top center: praseodymium, cerium, lanthanum, neodymium, samarium and gadolinium. U.S. Department of Agriculture / Peggy Greb

Electric car motors, iPhones, military jet engines, batteries, and satellites all have something in common: They require rare-earth elements to function.

Rare-earth elements are a group of 17 metals that — as their name suggests — form under the Earth's surface and are difficult to find and extract.

But they are crucial to the tech and defense industries; rare-earth metals have unique magnetic, heat-resistant, and phosphorescent properties that no other elements have. This means that they're often non-substitutable materials in smartphone and missile production. 

China controls the lion's share of mineable rare-earth deposits. On average, the country has accounted for more than 90% of the global production and supply of these metals during the past decade, according to the US Geological Survey (USGS). Mining and refining these materials isn't easy, and very few countries can compete with China's monopoly on the rare-earth market. According to Bloomberg, the US relies on China for 80% of its rare-earth imports.

That puts China in a powerful position: If its leaders choose to restrict rare-earth exports to the US — something president Xi Jinping recently hinted could happen — that could temporarily cripple companies like Apple and Lockheed Martin.

Read More: China drops heavy hint it is about to pull the trigger on its most powerful weapon in the trade war

Even the US Department of Defense (DoD) relies on rare-earth elements for manufacturing. And the US Department of the Interior listed the minerals as "critical" to the country's economic and national security.

Here are 16 facts about how these highly-coveted materials are mined and refined, and why a possible trade restriction could hurt US tech and defense companies.

The 15 lanthanides found in the second row up from the bottom of the periodic table (with atomic numbers 57 to 71) are rare-earth elements. The other two are scandium and yttrium.

rare earth minerals
Yasuhiro Kato, an associate professor of earth science at the University of Tokyo, displays a mud sample extracted from a depth of about 4,000 metres (13,123 ft) in the Pacific ocean, where rare earth elements were found, July 5, 2011. REUTERS/Yuriko Nakao

Though rare-earth elements are used in trace amounts, their unique magnetic, heat-resistant, and phosphorescent qualities make them essential in the production of products like batteries, car engines, and LCD TV displays. 

Rare-earths can interact with other elements to form materials with properties that neither element could offer on its own. For example, when combined with iron and boron, the rare-earth neodymium helps create one of the strongest magnets on the market, which is useful in iPhones and hard drives.  

Rare-earth elements are relatively abundant in the Earth's crust, according to the USGS, but are widely dispersed. Because of that, it's rare to find a substantial quantity of the elements clumped together in an extractable way.

China rare earth mining
Stairs lead down to a dam that collects polluted water from a rare-earth mine in China. REUTERS/David Gray

Thulium and lutetium are two of the least common rare-earth elements, but their average abundance in the Earth's crust is still nearly 200 times greater than that of gold, according to the USGS. 

Still, there are only a few viable areas on the planet where rare-earth elements can be mined and refined, and they're expensive to extract (and therefore to purchase). Building a rare-earth mine can cost up to a $500 million, according to the Wyoming Mining Association.

According to The Conversation, Europium — the rare-earth used in computer monitors and TV screens — cost about $712,000 per metric ton

Rare-earth elements can be formed by volcanic activity, but many were first created in supernova explosions at the dawn of the universe, before Earth existed.

China rare earth mining
Workers stoke pots containing the rare-earth metal lanthanum. Reuters/David Gray

When the Earth formed, the minerals were incorporated into the deepest portions of the mantle.

As tectonic activity has moved portions of the mantle around, rare-earth minerals have found their way closer to the surface. The process of weathering — in which rocks break down into sediment over millions of years — spread these rare minerals all over the planet.

Extracting these elements is challenging because they're just as likely to chemically bond to surrounding dirt, rocks, and mineral sediment as they are to each other.

china rare earth molten lanthanum
Molten lanthanum, a rare-earth metal, is poured into a mold at Jinyuan Company's smelting workshop near Damao in Inner Mongolia, China, in October 2010. David Gray/Reuters

Identifying concentrated reserves of these elements is just one step in a difficult production process.

"Once you take it out of the ground, the big challenge is chemistry, not mining; converting the rare earths from rock to separated elements," Eugene Gholz, a rare-earth expert at the University of Notre Dame, told the Verge.

That separation process is expensive and labor-intensive. First, the raw material is aggregated into concentrated chunks rich in rare-earths. Then, to isolate the elements from each other and the surrounding material, the raw material gets dissolved and funneled through hundreds of liquid-containing chambers. These chambers are designed to separate the rare-earths based on how they dissolve in the surrounding liquid. Sometimes, the raw materials are doused in acids or radioactive chemicals.

The extraction process has to be repeated hundreds of times. 

Rare-earths are essential in the production of many tech and defense products. Companies like Raytheon and Lockheed Martin manufacture missiles that use rare-earth elements in their sensors and GPS.

FILE PHOTO: A US Marine Corps Lockheed Martin F-35B fighter jet taxis after landing at the Royal International Air Tattoo at Fairford, Britain July 8, 2016.  REUTERS/Peter Nicholls
A US Marine Corps Lockheed Martin F-35B fighter jet taxis after landing at the Royal International Air Tattoo at Fairford, UK. Peter Nicholls/Reuters

Some rare-earth minerals are essential for military equipment like jet engines, anti-missile defense systems, and satellites.

Air Force F-16 fighter jet Ghost paint scheme
An F-16 Fighting Falcon fighter jet assigned at Nellis Air Force base, Nevada, May 21, 2019. US Air Force/Airman 1st Class Bryan Guthrie

Reuters reported that the DoD accounts for about 1% of the US' demand for rare-earth minerals, according to a 2016 report from the US Government Accountability Office.

The military's night-vision goggles, precision-guided weapons, communications equipment, GPS equipment, batteries, and other defense electronics all utilize rare-earth elements. 

Apple products like the iPhone use rare-earth elements in their speakers, cameras, and the tech that makes the device vibrate.

FILE - This Sept. 12, 2018, file photo shows an Apple iPhone XR on display at the Steve Jobs Theater after an event to announce new products, in Cupertino, Calif. A Chinese national in Oregon sent hundreds of supposedly broken iPhones to Apple over two years, and got replacements under warranty of almost 1,500 devices. (AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez, File)
An Apple iPhone XR on display at the Steve Jobs Theater after an event to announce new products in Cupertino, California. Marcio Jose Sanchez/AP

Several rare-earth elements are used in electric-vehicle motors as well, including in the Tesla Model 3.

China, on average, has accounted for more than 90% of the global production and supply of rare-earth elements during the past decade.

China rare earth mining
David Gray/Reuters

According to the USGS, upwards of 140 million tons of rare-earth elements exist in subterranean reserves across the globe in total. China holds an estimated 61 million tons.

The country supplied 80% of the rare-earth elements imported by the US between 2014 and 2017.

On May 21, Chinese president Xi Jinping visited one of the country's largest rare-earth factories in Ganzhou. His top economic adviser Liu He, who has been leading trade negotiations with the US, was there, too.

xi jinping rare earth factory visit
Chinese President Xi Jinping discusses the production, operations, and development of rare-earth minerals at the JL MAG Rare-Earth Co. Ltd. in Ganzhou, China, on May 20, 2019. Xinhua/Xie Huanchi via Getty

The president's visit to the factory hinted to the world that China could be planning to leverage their near-monopoly on the rare-earth industry to make the US back down in the trade war.

According to Reuters, the DoD sent a report to the White House and Congress on May 29 to ask for more federal funds to bolster domestic production of rare-earth minerals in order to reduce the country's dependence on China.

China's large supply of rare-earth metals has already enabled its government to dictate ever-rising prices for years.

China rare earth mining
A miner shovels cast-off tailings (refuse from rare-earth mining) to a disposal dam on the edge of the Baotou in China. Reuters/David Gray

In 2010, China reduced its export quotas of rare-earth minerals, pushing prices up as much as 10%.

The country was forced to start exporting more of the minerals again after the European Union filed a dispute with the World Trade Organization in 2012, claiming that these export restrictions limited access for companies outside of China.

The US only has one rare-earth mining facility: California's Mountain Pass mine in San Bernardino County.

rare earth mine california
A 500-foot-deep, open pit mine at Molycorp's rare-earth facility in Mountain Pass, California, in June 2015. David Becker/Reuters

The California mine ships the roughly 55,000 tons of rare-earth concentrate it extracts each year to China for processing.

MP Materials, the company that manages the facility, has indicated that it plans to kick-start its own processing operation stateside in 2020, since the costs of shipping raw materials to China is rising.

China's largest mining operation is located near the city of Baotou, west of inner Mongolia.

A villager shovels cast-off tailings of crushed mineral ore that contain rare earth metals in Xinguang Village, located on the outskirts of the city of Baotou in China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region in this October 31, 2010 picture.  REUTERS/David Gray
A villager shovels cast-off tailings of crushed mineral ore that contain rare-earth metals in Xinguang Village, on the outskirts of the city of Baotou in China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. David Gray/Reuters

Rare-earths are also mined in Brazil India, South Africa, Canada, Australia, Estonia, and Malaysia. 

The environmental impacts of rare-earth mining and refining aren't yet well understood.

China rare earth mining
Pipes leading away from a rare-earth smelting plant dump polluted water into a reservoir near Xinguang Village in Guangdong province. Reuters/David Gray

Waste products (called tailings) from the process of refining rare-earth minerals are often dumped in dams and reservoirs near processing facilities. Sometimes, radioactive chemicals are used during the refining process, and those can enter waterways as well.

One company near Baotau, China — called Huamei Rare-Earth High-Tech Co — dumps its tailings in a 10-square-kilometer dam that can hold 230 million cubic metres of this waste. (That's equal to 92,000 Olympic-sized swimming pools.)

But residents of Xinguang village, located near the mines in Baotou, complained that tailings were leaking out of the dam and contaminating their drinking water.

China rare earth mining
A laborer wades through water at a rare earth mine in Nancheng county, Jiangxi province. Reuters/David Gray

"When we boil the water to drink, this white scum forms on top and it tastes bitter," Guo Gang, a 58-year-old farmer, told Reuters.

An official from Baotou confirmed in 2010 that companies working in the Bayan Obo Mine there had dumped mildly radioactive tailings into local water supplies, farmland, and the Yellow River, Reuters reported.

China rare earth mining
David Gray/Reuters

Source: Reuters

China's control of the rare-earth market may not last forever, though. A large deposit was discovered off coast of Japan last year.

china rare earth mine inner mongolia
A mining machine is seen at the Bayan Obo mine containing rare earth minerals, in Inner Mongolia, China, on July 16, 2011. Reuters

According to a 2018 study published in the journal Scientific Reports, the deposit near Minamitori Island contains 16 million tons of the valuable metals.

"This is a game changer for Japan," Jack Lifton, a founding principal of market-research firm Technology Metals Research, told The Wall Street Journal. "The race to develop these resources is well underway."

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