"Game of Thrones" wasn't the only show to return to HBO Sunday night. "Silicon Valley" had its season three premiere afterward.
If you paid close attention, the show made a lot of subtle changes to its opening animation sequence to reflect the ever-changing look of companies in Silicon Valley.
Here's how the show's animation looked during the final episode of season two:
Napster got shoved out by car service Uber, Google was by itself in the lower left-hand corner and Facebook looked bigger than Oculus.
A logo for Chinese e-commerce company Alibaba Group was placed over the Yahoo! HQ.
And here's how the animated title sequence looks in season three:
There is a lot more going on.
Car service Lyft is going head-to-head with competitor Uber. Alphabet now hovers atop Google. The company announced a giant restructuring in August 2015 making Alphabet its parent company. And Amazon drones can be seen flying overhead making deliveries. Last year, Amazon said it wants to be able to deliver packages to consumers via Amazon Prime Air in 30 minutes or less.
Car company Tesla was also added to the opening sequence.
The other big addition to the season three opening sequence were Soylent trucks moving through the city. The meal-replacement startup allows consumers to order ready-to-drink, bottled versions of its powder product.
It will be fun to see whether the animations continue to change over the course of the season.