CashOne provides you payday loan options through our certified lenders. We are not a lender. We offer payday loans but, since we connect you to lenders, we do not control the amount of your fee or any terms and conditions of your loan. We always recommend you only take a payday loan in an emergency and try to pay off your loan early! At a minimum be prepared to pay off your loan as planned with your lender.
Your due date is normally your next payday but there are exceptions depending on when you requested and were approved for a loan. Be sure to ask your lender any questions you have as well as the exact cost and terms of your loan. If you are approved and connected to a lender you are working directly with that lender. You have no obligation to work with any lender or accept an offer of a loan. CashOne cannot assist you with your terms and conditions.
In case you are not able to pay off your loan on your due date, you may be eligible to extend your loan, by paying all interest accrued up to your due date, plus any required payment towards principal. For more details regarding an extension of low fee payday loans, you must directly contact the lender who made the loan. CashOne cannot assist you with this process.
Request an online payday loan by filling out our simple payday loan request form now. Some of our lenders have low fee cash advances, but rates do vary by lender and are based on a wide range of factors.
Always ask your lender for all the information you need BEFORE making a decision to accept a loan from them.