Work should be good for you.

Balance your work with real life


Stress less, live more


Learn to say no (and mean it)


Put yourself first, without the guilt


Redefine success on your own terms


Work smarter, not harder


Build habits that actually stick


Make space for real rest


Balance your work with real life 🍦 Stress less, live more 🍦 Learn to say no (and mean it) 🍦 Put yourself first, without the guilt 🍦 Redefine success on your own terms 🍦 Work smarter, not harder 🍦 Build habits that actually stick 🍦 Make space for real rest 🍦

I burned out,

so you don’t have to.

If you’re here then you’ve probably been where I was - burned the fuck out, exhausted, and wondering if this is just how work has to be.

Guess what? It isn’t.

I did this out one too many times before realising that work shouldn’t suck the life out of you. Now I’m on a journey to stop repeating my burnout patterns and protect my peace.

That’s why I created this space- to set some boundaries, bin off hustle culture, and make space for the stuff that actually makes life worth living. 

Ready to stop glorifying the grind and start making work good for you? You’re in the right place.

Together, let’s build something softer.

Your tools for life/work balance

Burnout Prevention Lab

Actionable strategies, tips and habits that actually work and help you to create a life that works for you.

Soft Resource Hub

Your one-stop shop of the best books, articles and podcasts to help you find balance and thrive.

The Messageboard

Join the conversation - share your experiences and support others on their way to burnout recovery.

Soft Work Sounds 🪩

I understand that when things are tough, music helps.

Each week I’ll post a new playlist, carefully curated to fit every mood and stage of the burnout journey.

headshot of woman laughing

Meet Cass, Founder of Soft Work Society

Cass Briscoe is a former Workplace Experience Lead and Head of Vibes, with a passion for creating positive workplace cultures and improving wellbeing. Outside of Soft Work Society she’s a Founders Associate at The Future Kind, and a content creator for clients focused on workplace and personal growth. Cass loves talking about wellbeing at work, burnout recovery, and building inclusive environments and events.