Eve Ashton, Centre Manager, Torbay Libraries
The Totnes Community Bookshop has been a crucial financial support to Totnes Library over the years allowing us to develop our provision and go above and beyond for our community.
Totnes Library is run by Libraries Unlimited, a registered charity running all the libraries across Devon and Torbay. As we are a charity, as well as being partially funded by the council, we must fundraise for other elements within the library space, to ensure we can be an inclusive, innovative and safe space for all groups within the community to utilise. We cannot thank the Totnes Community Bookshop enough for their kindness, generosity and ultimately, the projects their funding has enabled, which have had such an impact on the thousands of people, of all ages and backgrounds who use the library.
Francis and the team are wonderful and entirely dedicated to supporting groups within Totnes. Here’s how they have helped us over the past three years:
As a community interest company, Castle Books is committed not only to maintaining the bookshop for the benefit of customers, group members and volunteers, but also using our profits to support literary and other deserving causes in the wider community.
We asked some of those we support to reveal how our bookshop, and our charitable donations, have helped them.
Totnes Library
2021 (£1,000)
With our 2021 funding, we purchased an A-frame sign to take along to library outreach events, such as school summer fayres, and to display our library events outside the library. This has generated lots of interest and knowledge around the events that the library runs, ensuring the community knows what the library has to offer.
We also purchased a shelving unit to house separate book displays, placed in the centre of the library to highlight particularly important events throughout the year which we can emphasise through reading material. This has included important displays for Pride Month, Black History Month and Holocaust Memorial Day.
Finally, we also purchased a learning clock for our children’s library, along with stickers and craft supplies.
2022 (£2,500)
We used our 2022 funding to complete a large project, creating a special and dedicated teen area. Teenagers have always been notoriously difficult to encourage to use the library space and enjoy the benefits the library has to offer.
We worked alongside KEVICCs to run focus groups with students to find out exactly what they would want from an exciting new space. Based on this research, we purchased bean bags, egg chairs, new desks and desk chairs, stationery (to be provided to students to use in the library for free), a chalk board wall, and a cosy new rug.
We created this new space, with work experience students from KEVICCs and the impact has been amazing. We now have teenagers within the library every day (prior to the update, we would have been lucky to have one teenager in a week!). They bring along their friends and read, chill out in the area, and complete their studies.
2023 (£2,000)
We have used our most recent funding to transform our workspace within the library to accommodate an increase in library customers utilising our space for longer periods of time. Many people now, particularly over the winter and with the cost-of-living crisis, attend the library from opening to closing to make use of our free Wi-Fi and electricity to charge their devices. This meant we often ran out of seating or table space for people to work and study. With this year’s donation from Castle Books we have purchased four large tables and lots of new, comfy chairs, to create a versatile and welcoming community area, where people can hold meetings and community groups, as well as study and read. We also purchased some board games which were particularly appreciated over the winter by those wanting to shelter from the cold but still have something to do. We also purchased some plants to give the library a cosy and homely feel. These updates have vastly improved our provision and allow us to cater for even more of the community’s needs.
The Grove School
Hilary Priest, Headteacher, Grove School, Totnes
The Totnes Community Bookshop has been a godsend to us over the years helping us to buy new books for our children. The donations they give have meant that our children are really supported in their love of reading and their readiness for secondary school. It is lovely to be part of such a strong community in Totnes and organisations like the Community Bookshop are right at the centre of this strong much-loved, community spirit.
Mindful Makes
Carol Timms, Mindful Makes, Totnes
Mindful Makes is a thriving group of, on average, seven people who meet for two hours fortnightly at Totnes Library. Each session we learn a different craft, such as felting, weaving, mending, wax and clay sculpture, and printing. The focus is on communication and relationships, community building and most importantly, our individual and collective wellbeing (also having fun!). At the beginning of each session we share, in confidence, how our week has been, and how we are feeling.
We were delighted to receive a grant from Castle Books in September 2022, which meant that for a year we could pay qualified teachers for their time, and also buy some materials such as printing plates, airdry clay, modelling wax and cyanotype paper.
Some words from our participants may best describe our progress:
"Focus for two hours is the craft in hand, and our worries disappear as the group share life stories and care for one another." - R
"This group gets me out of the house not only to learn new skills, but more importantly to overcome loneliness." - N
"We become totally absorbed....in friendly company and come away feeling positive and refreshed." - P
Martina Bergadano
Scholarship funding recipient and volunteer
Castle Books is like a family, and an amazing community space to gather ideas, get inspired and sometimes just receive a word of support and comfort to help face life’s challenges. I’m Italian and I moved to Totnes in 2020. Castle Books helped me to engage with and feel part of the community.
I started as a customer assistant (relief staff) on a voluntary basis, where I could share my passion for culture, reading and meeting people. Last Spring, Castle Books offered me scholarship funding which enabled me to attend a three-month Foundation course on fundraising and marketing for social enterprises at the University of Exeter. Since finishing, I have been spending time searching and applying for grants and visiting other community bookshops around Devon to create a useful network and help Castle Books expand their community offer. Thanks to this, I have been gaining in confidence, learning new skills and feeling that I can contribute to a very special project for our community of Totnes.