Storms to near record heat Friday

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Today's Weather

Today: Morning storms then partly cloudy. Very warm and windy. Highs in the mid 70s. Wind: SW 20-35 mph.

Tonight: Few clouds. Very windy and mild. Lows around 50. Wind: SW 20-40 mph.

Saturday: Partly to mostly cloudy with scattered light showers throughout the day, but lots of dry time. Temps in the 60s before sunrise then 50s in the morning and 40s in the afternoon. Breezy. Wind: W->NE 10-20 mph.

Extended: Scattered rain, heavy at times, likely on Sunday with highs in the upper 50s. Rain switches to snow Sunday night with a slight chance for snow on Monday with a dusting possible. Chilly Monday for the Brewers Home Opener in the 30s. Warming to around 50 by the middle of next week with another chance for mix and rain on Wednesday.

Weather Now

51° High: 77° | Low: 51°
SE Wisconsin Radar

7-Day Forecast

Day Description High/Low
Today Mar. 28
Thunderstorm AM High: 77° | Low: 51°
Sat Mar. 29
Light Showers High: 52° | Low: 40°
Sun Mar. 30
Rain High: 57° | Low: 32°
Mon Mar. 31
Chance Snow High: 38° | Low: 26°
Tue Apr. 1
Mostly Cloudy High: 43° | Low: 37°
Wed Apr. 2
Rain and Snow High: 51° | Low: 38°
Thu Apr. 3
Partly Cloudy High: 51° | Low: 42°
Fri Apr. 4
Mostly Cloudy High: 47° | Low: 36°