West Coast Mushrooms on Hopewell Road just outside of Rising Sun town limits produces mushrooms and mushroom soil. Some neighbors of the farm — both inside and outside of town — have complained about odors from the operation. A Jan. 15 meeting will address those concerns.
An employee of West Coast Mushrooms on Hopewell Road in Rising Sun reported two long bales of hay were on fire just before 1 a.m. Thursday.
West Coast Mushrooms on Hopewell Road just outside of Rising Sun town limits produces mushrooms and mushroom soil. Some neighbors of the farm — both inside and outside of town — have complained about odors from the operation. A Jan. 15 meeting will address those concerns.
RISING SUN — The Office of the Maryland State Fire Marshal is investigating a Thursday morning fire at West Coast Mushrooms that burned several large bales of hay.
An employee discovered the 200-feet-by-100-feet of stored hay outside of the farm structures at 342 Hopewell Road in Rising Sun. Damage has been estimated at $200,000. There were no injuries but firefighters had to truck in water to the scene because of a lack of fire hydrants in the area.
Members of the Community Fire Company of Rising Sun needed more than two hours to get the fire under control and have warned residents that there would be smoke lingering in the area for some time because of smoldering in the densely packed bales.
This facility just outside of Rising Sun town limits will be the topic of a community input session Jan. 15 from 6 until 8 p.m. at Rising Sun Banquet Hall to allow people to tell lawyers from Stark and Keenan, representing West Coast Mushrooms, about their concerns. The farm, which produces mushroom soil and mushrooms for West Coast Mushroom LLC, has been a hot button topic in the area for decades. Public complaints have ranged from odors to water pollution.
David Lynch, an attorney with Stark and Keenan, said this will be an educational opportunity.
“There’s a lot of misconceptions about this business,” Lynch said, adding West Coast Mushrooms and Maryland Department of the Environment agreed that this community input meeting would be helpful. “We’re going to listen to what the community has to say.”
Rising Sun Banquet Hall is located at 300 Biggs Highway.
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