• EE programmes in 200 schools through NEEPS clusters

  • Supported 2 NGOs to complete 2 EOSE projects in the state.

  • Facilitating NGC as a Resource agency in 9 districts of the state. 923 eco-clubs formed and 14 Master Trainers trained and 900 In-charge Teachers trained for the purpose.

  • 6 ongoing SGP projects related to Sloping Agricultural Land Technique (SALT), orchid conservation, development of community land and cultivation of indigenous rice species are underway

  • Four ongoing SGP projects and organized a UNDP-SGP Exchange program for capacity building and experience sharing amongst project partners

  • Several Darwin initiative projects completed

  • Participation of more than 200 schools in WSSD school competitions

  • Development of EE resource material including 4 Manipuri publications and one English.

  • Being Regional Committee Member under NEAC programme of MoEF facilitated evaluation of NGOs proposal from north east


Ms. Bijaylakshmi Borpuzari

Programme Coordinator

Email: bijaylakshmi.borpuzari@ceeindia.org