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Centerville Elementary Home

Spring Pictures!

Picture Day this Friday, March 21st!

2024-2025 Elementary Yearbooks on Sale Now!

A colorful flyer for the 2024-2025 elementary school yearbook, with a QR code to purchase and instructions to pay by check.

Royal Dances! May3

A flyer announcing a 'Royal Dances' event for fathers and daughters, and mothers and sons, on May 3rd.

Welcome to Centerville Elementary

A red background with a white stop sign featuring an outstretched hand and the text 'Report Bullying'.

A green button with the text 'See Something...Say Something' and a call to action to submit an anonymous tip or school safety issue.

Centerville Elementary Contact Information


Mailing Address:

813 South Commerce

Centerville, Texas 75833


Physical Address:

346 West Church Street

Centerville, Texas 75833



Fax: 903-536-3525


Stephen Williams, Principal

[email protected]



A graphic with text that reads "Parent and Family Page".

Library Links