An Open Letter to GUSD: Educate Your Students on Racial Injustice

An Open Letter to GUSD: Educate Your Students on Racial Injustice

The Issue


As GUSD alumni, we feel we did not receive an acceptable education on historical and contemporary racial injustice. In this letter, we discuss the responsibility of the district to educate its students on this topic, offer resources to do so, and demand change.

Members of the GUSD community- please sign and share! Contribute to local change.


EDIT 06/03: I was informed that there are more recent California state standards available than the ones from 1998 hyperlinked in the letter, available here. Also, a few people have asked to use this letter as a template for letters to their own schools or districts- please do so!!

Decision Maker: Glendale Unified School District
1 Update


Decision Maker: Glendale Unified School District
1 Update

The Issue


As GUSD alumni, we feel we did not receive an acceptable education on historical and contemporary racial injustice. In this letter, we discuss the responsibility of the district to educate its students on this topic, offer resources to do so, and demand change.

Members of the GUSD community- please sign and share! Contribute to local change.


EDIT 06/03: I was informed that there are more recent California state standards available than the ones from 1998 hyperlinked in the letter, available here. Also, a few people have asked to use this letter as a template for letters to their own schools or districts- please do so!!

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The Decision Makers

  • Glendale Unified School District

    No response

The Supporters

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Petition created on June 2, 2020