The Future of Piney Woods

The Future of Piney Woods
The Issue
Humans affect the Piney Woods land by timber & paper companies. Timber is like lumber it is when chopped wood is ready for usages like carving crafting or building. Everyone around the world uses paper for things like important documents, homework, writing, etc. Timber is also used everywhere for things like art, crafting, and house building. I use paper for everyday things and my Violin is made of wood. The need for paper and lumber is increasing and so is the amount of wood being cut down. Wood is used by humans for everyday things but animals and plants also need it like us for oxygen. Wood is a very important need and wants for all living things on this earth. This also means to start replanting and taking care of our trees because of how quickly it is being consumed. The trees are also home or storage places for animals. Animals live in living and dead trees so even if they cut down dead trees humans should still be careful when chopping down wood.
The Issue
Humans affect the Piney Woods land by timber & paper companies. Timber is like lumber it is when chopped wood is ready for usages like carving crafting or building. Everyone around the world uses paper for things like important documents, homework, writing, etc. Timber is also used everywhere for things like art, crafting, and house building. I use paper for everyday things and my Violin is made of wood. The need for paper and lumber is increasing and so is the amount of wood being cut down. Wood is used by humans for everyday things but animals and plants also need it like us for oxygen. Wood is a very important need and wants for all living things on this earth. This also means to start replanting and taking care of our trees because of how quickly it is being consumed. The trees are also home or storage places for animals. Animals live in living and dead trees so even if they cut down dead trees humans should still be careful when chopping down wood.
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Petition created on March 7, 2022