We're here to help!

The CHS guidance department provides academic, social, emotional, and behavioral support to students and families to enable each student to take advantage of their potential now and in the future.

Every student is assigned to a counselor upon entering CHS. Assignments are made alphabetically by the student's last name. For the best service, please contact the appropriate person with your comments, questions, or concerns.

Office Hours
Weekdays 7:00 am - 4:00 pm

Mailing Address Charleston High School
1615 Lincoln Ave
Charleston, IL 61920

(217) 639-5020

(217) 639-5027


Beth Nelson

Beth Nelson, Guidance Counselor

Students with last names A-K

(217) 639-5013

Allison Meeker

Allison Meeker, Guidance Counselor

Students with last names L-Z

(217) 639-5014

Kimmy Schaefer

Kimmy Schaefer

Counselor/504 Coordinator

(217) 639-5023

Need an Official Transcript?

Current Students
If you need an official transcript sent to a college or need one for any other reason, just stop by the Guidance Office and speak with the Registrar, Mrs. Deadmond. You can also email her your request using the message button.

Former Students/Alumni
To request your official transcript from Charleston High School, please use the Parchment link below.

Kari Deadmond

Kari Deadmond


(217) 639-5020

Parchment logo

Transferring Schools?

If you are transferring out of Charleston to a different school, go ahead and register at your new school and that office will request student records from Charleston.

Parents of students who will be NEW to the district will need to complete a new student form for Charleston High School and contact the CHS guidance office. The guidance office will assist you with a Skyward login and password to complete the registration process and will request records from your previous school.

New students wanting a crash course on the school before the first day can also helpful information on this page, such as our bell schedule, district calendar, student handbook, and curriculum guide.