About City Journal

City Journal is the nation’s premier urban-policy magazine, “the Bible of the new urbanism,” as London’s Daily Telegraph puts it. During the 1990s, City Journal was integral to the revitalization of New York City. The Public Interest called it “the magazine that saved the city.”

But City Journal is a national, not just a local, force, with a readership that spans the U.S. The country’s most thoughtful journalists are among the quarterly magazine’s subscribers, as are top businessmen and financiers. Public officials from coast to coast look to the magazine as a regular source of policy guidance. Leading newspapers, from the Wall Street Journal to the Los Angeles Times, regularly print adaptations of City Journal articles, disseminating the magazine’s influence to millions of readers.

City Journal offers a stimulating mix of hard-headed practicality and cutting-edge theory, with articles on everything from school financing, policing strategy, and welfare policy to urban architecture, family policy, and the latest theorizing emanating from the law schools, the charitable foundations, even the schools of public health. Since urban policy encompasses almost all domestic policy questions, as well as the largest issues of our culture and society, the magazine views its canvas as very broad indeed. The magazine holds itself to the highest intellectual, journalistic, and literary standards, aiming to produce absorbing reading for intelligent and discerning readers.

Brian C. Anderson
Editor, City Journal BrianAcity
Steven Malanga
Senior Fellow | Senior Editor, City Journal cjstevem
Paul Beston
Managing Editor, City Journal
Charles Fain Lehman
Fellow | Senior Editor, City Journal CharlesFLehman
John Hirschauer
Associate Editor, City Journal
Daniel Kennelly
Associate Editor, City Journal
Theodore Kupfer
Associate Editor, City Journal
Jordan McGillis
Economics Editor, City Journal jordanmcgillis
Elena Gonzalez
Editorial Assistant, City Journal
Meghan Kruger
Bethany Cianciolo
Digital Editor, City Journal
Jerome Rufino
Art Director
Karen Marston
Picture Editor
Lisa Webb
Web Administrator


52 Vanderbilt Avenue
New York, NY 10017
(212) 599-7000
[email protected]