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SafeCam Program Registration

SafeCam Program FAQ
Q-What is SafeCam Program?
A- It is a 100 percent voluntary, opt-in initiative that allows residents and businesses to register the location of their private video surveillance systems with the department. This allows officers to contact them should a crime occur in or near where the camera is installed. Opting in to the SafeCam program does not give Lawrence Police Department access to video footage until granted by the home or business owner.
Q- Is there a cost to register?
A- No the SafeCam program is free for all businesses and residents.
Q- Why does the Police Department need access to private video footage?
A- When a crime occurs, video footage is one of the most valuable tools available to investigators and officers. Knowing the location of video surveillance systems allows the Police to quickly reach out to those owners and ask for their footage, instead of trying to track down where video footage exists, if at all.
Q- Do other police departments have programs like this?
A- Yes. Lawrence Police Department is one of several agencies in the United States that have similar programs, called SafeCam or otherwise.
Q- What kind of cameras could be registered?
A- Any kind of video surveillance cameras are important – video doorbells, wireless video camera systems, and home security cameras are just some of the common types. Note – registering for the SafeCam program only records the address and basic characteristics of the cameras, not the brand or serial number of the cameras.
Q- Does the police Department have direct access to my video footage?
A- No. Registering for the SafeCam program only adds an address to the Police Department’s database. If a crime occurs in the area and video footage is needed, the Police Department will reach out directly to the owner to request the footage.
Q- How often will the data base be updated?
A- The Commander of Police will reach out to the register owners each year to see if the current information is correct. Reminder’s will go out on the City of Lawrence social media page during the year as well.
Q-Can I Opt Out?
A- Yes. Once registered for the SafeCam program, you may opt out of the program at any time by emailing/calling Lawrence Police Department Commander Tracey Cantrell at [email protected] or call 317-549-6404 with any questions.
Disclaimer & Term of Use
The goal of the Lawrence Police Department SafeCam program is to promote public safety in collaboration between the Lawrence Police Department and the citizens of the City of Lawrence. All registrants agree to the following terms and conditions:
- Any video material collected by the Lawrence Police Department related to criminal investigations can be used as evidence during any stage of a criminal proceeding.
- Video material provided to the Lawrence Police Department is reserved for official use.
- When necessary, the Lawrence Police Department will contact you directly using the information you have provided to obtain video surveillance footage from your system.
- Under no circumstances shall registrants construe they are acting as an agent or employee of the Lawrence Police Department.
- You agree not to release any video or picture images to media without consulting the Lawrence Police Department.

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9001 East 59th StreetLawrence, IN 46216
Phone: (317) 545-6191
Staff Directory
Utilities: (317) 542-0511
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Contact us
9001 East 59th StreetLawrence, IN 46216
Phone: (317) 545-6191
Staff Directory
Utilities: (317) 542-0511