Legal notice


Climatech International s.a.

  • Legal status: limited company
  • Headquarters: 90 Route de Beaumont 1380 Lasne – BELGIUM
  • Phone: +32 2 654 12 40
  • Email: [email protected]
  • VAT number: BE 0427 415 454
  • Publication manager: François-Xavier GOHY

The main objective of this website is to facilitate, for our clients and the general public, the access to information about our company, products, technical document and services that we offer.

Host :

The website is hosted by the company:
2 rue Kellermann BP 80157
59053 ROUBAIX CEDEX 1 – France
+33 9 72 10 10 07



Condition of use

The access and utilisation conditions of this website are determined by the applicable legislation.
Being a user of the website implies reading and agreeing to this conditions.
If you do not agree to this conditions, you are welcome to leave this website.
All claims and/or notifications will only be approved if received by written and/or certified letter.


Intellectual property

© Copyright Climatech International s.a. all rights reserved.
The information, images, lay-out, documents, audio, video, text and software on Climatech International s.a.’s website are protected by Belgian copyright.
Consequently, it is not allowed to copy, publish or in any way distribute the information on this website without prior written permission of Climatech International s.a.

All products, services, logos or images on this website that do not belong to Climatech International s.a. are use as way of promotion. The owners of this contents can contact us to ask for an amendment or a suppression of their information.



Although the greatest possible care has been exercised to create this website, Climatech International s.a. does not ensure the correctness, completeness and up-to-dateness of the information provided on it.
Prices and technical date provided on this website are purely informative.
Thereby, we reserve the right to actualise, modify or delete anytime and without express public notice the information and data of this website.

Furthermore, Climatech International s.a. can’t be liable for any direct or indirect damage resulting from using this website.



This website contains hyperlinks to websites that are not managed by Climatech International s.a.. These hyperlinks have solely been included for the visitor’s convenience. Climatech International s.a. does not accept any responsibility for the content, the availability or the quality of offers made on external websites.


This legal notice has been translated into English. If the English disclaimer shows discrepancies with the French version, the French version is decisive.