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Mike Rayburn Topics

Create Change Through The "What If" Mindset

Mike Rayburn's electrifying "What If" keynote inspires your leadership and business teams to rethink change and initiate more possibilities and innovation for your organization and customers. He delivers real-world tools and strategies to help your people create better solutions and generate more revenue for your business.

The “What If…?” Experience 

  • Within 30 seconds your group will know that the impossible is possible.
  • Within two minutes they’ll be laughing and totally engaged.
  • By the end they’ll be on their feet, energized and equipped with solid business tools and wisdom.

Mike Rayburn’s “What IF? Keynote Experience” is about:

Innovation…finding and creating the opportunities, products and processes that others miss.

Change…moving from managing change to creating change.

High Performance…making those opportunities happen.

Your teams will leave with the tools to do just that.Oh, and they’ll laugh so hard it hurts! More than anything…“The What IF? Keynote Experience”is just that: An EXPERIENCE. As an opening or closing keynote, or mid-conference energizer, “What IF?” will make your event successful and unforgettable. There is no one who does what Mike Rayburn does.

Takeaways...your teams will:

Rayburn's Online Training

Rayburn has designed an online training program which greatly extends the ROI of your conference. Mike wants your attendees to truly achieve a new mindset for innovation and performance. Imagine this - your attendees will be given access to 16 powerful video sessions, containing a carefully chosen What IF? question designed to align and transform your team's mindset for innovation, opportunity and performance. Click here for more info / to watch a video.

Become A Virtuoso - Elite Performance Mastery

In Mike’s keynote,“Become A Virtuoso,” your teams will receive the vision, mindset and daily practices that will make them world class, high performing teams…their personal best in both career and life. And the inspiration to act on it!

There is one decision that draws a line in the sand between those who become world class, top performing teams and individuals…and those who don’t. 

In “Become A Virtuoso” your teams will not only learn and make this decision, they will gain the visionmindset and daily practices it takes to become world class performers. 

“Together, we will turn your teams into an army of motivated, high-performance business masters.” Rayburn

Takeaways…attendees will learn:

  • Execute the specific daily practices your teams need to be world class, their personal best
  • Learn what a “Virtuoso” is and why you want to dedicate your life to becoming one - click here for video
  • Focus on fundamentals, the relentless practice of the highest achievers
  • Succeed Anyway, what world class performers do when confronted with the inevitable obstacles 
  • See how obstacles are integral, necessary for goal achievement 
  • Apply “deliberate practice” in leadership, business, sales, and life

In “Become A Virtuoso” and “What IF” Mike Rayburn will go beyond six or even 12 strings. Recognized as a world class guitarist, Rayburn will debut his rare, 20-string “Harp Guitar.”

Mike Rayburn will make your conference unforgettable!!!

Trusted By

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Mike Rayburn Videos

Explore Mike Rayburns's speaker videos below. Rayburn delivers his BOLD, actionable content using guitar and comedy to illustrate and anchor his message. There is literally nothing like this anywhere!

Mike Rayburn Biography

About Mike Rayburn

When organizations need innovation, change and peak performance, where do they go? Usually it’s to business leaders, authors, or famous sports figures. Rarely do they go to artists! Yet for artists, innovation, peak performance and change are their life blood. Being a mega-successful artist, as well as an innovative entrepreneur, Mike Rayburn is uniquely qualified to teach artistic principles in a business context, to give businesses and teams the edge they need to innovate and perform like virtuosos…and thus transform their success and significance.

Mike Rayburn is a TEDx Presenter who teaches innovation, change and peak performance using world-class guitar and humor to create a transformational experience and generate exponential results. He has headlined Carnegie Hall, Las Vegas, and performed more than 5,000 presentations in 20 countries on five continents. Rayburn is a music/internet pioneering entrepreneur, feature artist on Sirius/XM and Artist In Residence at High Point University. His more than 1000 corporate clients include most of the Fortune 100, 500, and the top five, including multiple presentations for Walmart, Exxon, Wells Fargo, Lincoln Financial, UnitedHealth, IBM, Siemens, Verizon, Ford, Nationwide, MetLife, PepsiCo, Chevron, Sony, Allianz, and Liberty Mutual.


  • Two TED Talks
  • Internet Pioneering Entrepreneur featured in Newsweek, Billboard and USA Today
  • Carnegie Hall Headliner (8x)
  • Las Vegas Headliner 
  • Artist In Residence at High Point University
  • Feature Artist on Sirius/XM 
  • Speaker Hall of Fame
  • 5,000+ presentations in 22 countries on five continents

Rayburn's Online Training

Rayburn's Online TrainingRayburn has designed an online training program which greatly extends the ROI of your conference. Mike wants your attendees to truly achieve a new mindset for innovation and performance. Imagine this - your attendees will be given access to 16 powerful video sessions, containing a carefully chosen What IF? question designed to align and transform your team's mindset for innovation, opportunity and performance. Click here for more info / to watch a video.

Mike Rayburn Testimonials

Totally 100% engaging presentation to kick off the conference. Please have him return in the future.

Our attendees were very happy with his presentation – See below for some of their comments:

• Wonderful! Much easier to learn with music.

• Excellent presenter – made it relatable and enjoyable

• Great to have a bright, engaging presenter.

Good opening for the conference.”

Marketing Manager & Attendees, CU Conference

I can’t imagine a better keynote!

WOW! That’s all I can say after Mike Rayburn’s amazing performance for the PRCS all staff conference. The show was beyond amazing. Please send Mike a huge note of thanks from us. I heard nothing but rave reviews. Add to that, everyone was talking about what a genuinely nice guy Mike is. Staff really enjoyed getting to talk to him throughout the day. I can’t imagine a better keynote!

Kristin Garrett, Loudoun County Government (Parks & Recreation)

Mike Rayburn Photos

Mike Rayburn Introduction

Mike Rayburn Introduction

Mike Rayburn is a two-time TED Talk presenter, a successful entrepreneur, a member of the speaker hall of fame and a featured artist on Sirius/ XM. He has headlined on the strip in Las Vegas, and received standing ovations at all eight of his performances at Carnegie Hall.

Please welcome Mike Rayburn!

Mike Rayburn Print-Ready Bio/Keynote summary

Mike Rayburn is a two-time TED Talk Presenter, an innovative entrepreneur and Hall of Fame speaker who uses world-class guitar and comedy to teach change and innovation to corporations world-wide. He has headlined Carnegie Hall, headlined in Las Vegas, and performed more than 5,000 presentations in 20 countries on five continents. Rayburn is a regular on Sirius/XM and morning radio nationwide. He has performed as guitarist with The Beach Boys and John Oates. Rayburn’s keynote is called “The What IF? Keynote Experience.” You will learn three simple tools for harnessing your unrealized potential, creating and leading change, and becoming a virtuoso performer. You’ll hear amazing music including a solo guitar version of Bohemian Rhapsody.

Oh, and you laugh a LOT! No one does what Mike Rayburn does.

Mike Rayburn - What If? Keynote (for your event brochure/agenda)

Every major invention, accomplishment and victory in human history began with the simple, almost childlike curiosity of a “What If…?” question - “What if we could? I know we can’t, but what if we could?” International keynote artist, Mike Rayburn, will share three simple, powerful tools which took him from playing empty bars, to headlining Carnegie Hall (eight times!). They work for anyone. And everyone. Always.

Mike Rayburn Technical Requirements

Mike Rayburn Virtual Tech Requirements

Rayburn’s Virtual Studio Equipment list:

  • 3 Ikan LB10 lights
  • 2 softbox lights
  • Black Magic ATEM Switcher
  • Focusrite Audio Interface
  • 2 Sony 4K Cameras
  • 2 Apple Macbook Pros
  • 4K 55”Monitor
  • 4K 24” Monitor
  • Quartet and Shure in-ear monitors
  • Multi-port docking station
  • Hard-wired internet

Mike Rayburn Technical Requirements - Live Events

Mike Rayburn’s goal is to deliver the absolute best presentation possible and be the least of your worries! He is easy-to-work-with and will be as flexible as possible in working out details on site. What follows are the general, sound, lighting and staging requirements necessary to make Rayburn’s presentation and your event amazing.


• No podium is required. Please ensure it is off stage right or left.

• Rayburn does not ever perform during meals, while people are eating, socializing or otherwise distracted.

•IMAG is not required. If you do provide IMAG, ideal placement should be to either side of stage without obstruction.

• As you prepare for Mike’s performance it might be helpful to view a previous performance. Click here to view a full-length version of Mike’s performance here.

Please note: Mike tailors every performance and his material may vary. This recording is intended only to aid in your general planning process.

• Video-taping of Rayburn’s performance can be done for internal and archival use. We require a hi-res digital copy of the video-taping. A separate Taping Agreement needs to be authorized.

PRESENTATION SLIDES IN ADVANCE: Rayburn will provide his Keynote slide deck in advance after the conference call.



1. System: Please provide one professional-quality sound system with EXTERNAL speakers, (in-house ceiling speakers are not acceptable without approval from Rayburn) which will adequately cover the performance area and project well to the number of people at your event, keeping in mind that Rayburn’s presentation includes his live guitar and vocals as well as speaking. We assume each channel will have level and EQ controls.

2. Vocal Microphone: Please supply a Countryman E6 headset microphone (or comparable, but Countryman is preferred) with “one-ear set-up” (NOT two-ear “behind the neck”). Just in case, Rayburn will also bring a Countryman E6 with standard Shure connector (which fits most wireless transmitters) as a backup. If opting to use Rayburn’s E6, please provide professional wireless system with Shure or comparable connector.

4. Guitar: Please provide one (1) direct Box and two (2) AC power outlets down center stage. Rayburn will bring a small guitar effects pedal board with a 1/4” output.

5. Micro Porch Board Pedal: Please provide a third input, XLR for Micro Porch Board Pedal.


Rayburn will use a total of 3 inputs as follows:

• one for his vocal wireless

• one for his guitar

one for Micro Porch Board Pedal


Mike plays in a number of different settings with varying possibilities for lighting, so we will give you a general description of what he needs. The stage must be lit better and differently than the rest of the room.

• If theater lighting is possible Rayburn needs a nice general wash in the middle 1/3 of the stage.

• In theater/larger production settings, along with a general wash, any changing or moving lights must be subtle, not distracting from the comedic presentation.

• Front lighting is crucial as Rayburn’s performance is comedic and expressive, thus his facial expressions must be very visible.

• In ballrooms or similar, where lighting possibilities are limited, the key is to light the stage area well to help define the situation that this is a show and performance.

• If possible the audience should be about 75-90% dark.

• Be sure to light Rayburn from both sides so as not to cast shadows on one side.

• In ballroom settings, a minimum of four cans (two on each side) trained on Rayburn is required.


As stated above, Rayburn plays in many different situations ranging from fine theaters to hotel ballrooms, meeting rooms, make-shift stages, multi-purpose rooms and schools. We will address all situations in terms of Mike’s minimum requirements but as always, the better the staging the better the program.

• Please provide at least an 8’X 12′ or larger stage or riser appropriate for the room, audience, and situation.

• If the stage is made of portable sections please make sure it does not squeak or move when walked on, especially at down, center stage.

• PLEASE HAVE THE AUDIENCE AS CLOSE TO THE STAGE AS POSSIBLE. Closer proximity facilitates better connection between performer and audience and thus, a better show.

• Have this program in the smallest room that will comfortably accommodate the number of attendees you expect. The less empty space in the room the better the energy and connection and again, the better the show will be.

• IMAG is not required. If you do provide IMAG, ideal placement should be to either side of stage without obstruction.

Checklist from above…Rayburn needs:

_______ One professional quality sound system with EXTERNAL SPEAKERS

_______ One Countryman E6 one-ear headset wireless microphone AND two 9V batteries.

_______ One direct box for guitar 1/4” input, placed down, center stage

_______ AC power outlet near down, center stage

_______ A third input, XLR for Micro Porch Board Pedal

_______ For audiences of 250 or more, IMAG is recommended

_______ One roll gaffers (or duct) tape

_______ 8’ x 12’ or larger stage or riser