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A custom drawing application based on the .NET Panel class

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6 May 2005 1  
Creation of a custom drawing application based on the .NET Panel class.


This article explains the creation of a custom drawing application based on the .NET Panel class.


A Panel is a .NET class which resides in the namespace System.Windows.Forms which can be used to draw/render several custom shapes. It is similar to a canvas/paint area in the Microsoft Paint (MS Paint) application. This can be used to draw several custom shapes using a Graphics object.

In order to effectively use the .NET Panel object, one must implement the method protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e). This method provides a handle to the Graphics object which in turn can be used to draw/render several shapes using methods like FillEllipse(...), FillRectangle(...) etc.

Sample Image - GDI_DrawingPanel.jpg

Using the Quick Draw Code

In this article, there are several classes used in order to hold several shapes in memory. The following table explains this...

Class Name Description
ShapeInfo Holds the shape information like shape, color and rectangle object. The rectangle object holds the co-ordinates of the rectangle like top, left, right and bottom.
ShapeInfoCollection This class holds a collection of ShapeInfo objects.
DrawingPanel This is the core class of the application. This class inherits from System.Windows.Forms.Panel.
MainForm This class handles the form events and fits in all the various parts of this application.

Shape Information - The ShapeInfo class

The code for the class ShapeInfo is shown below...

    /// <SUMMARY>

    /// Summary description for ShapeInfo.

    /// </SUMMARY>

    /// <SUMMARY>

    /// ShapeInfo - Holds the shape information

    ///   like shape, color and rectangle object.

    /// </SUMMARY>

    public class ShapeInfo
        /// <SUMMARY>

        /// Holds the rectangle object.

        /// </SUMMARY>

        private Rectangle _rectangle;

        /// <SUMMARY>

        /// Holds the color object.

        /// </SUMMARY>

        private Color _color;

        /// <SUMMARY>

        /// Holds the shape type.

        /// </SUMMARY>

        private int _shapeType = 0;        

        public ShapeInfo()
            // Nothing to do.


        public ShapeInfo(Rectangle rectangle, Color color, int shapeType)
            this._rectangle = rectangle;
            this._color = color;
            this._shapeType = shapeType;

        public Rectangle ShapeRectangle
                return this._rectangle;

                this._rectangle = value;

        public Color ShapeColor
                return this._color;

                this._color = value;

        public int Shape
                return this._shapeType;

                this._shapeType = value;

The ShapeInfo class has three main properties:

  • The ShapeRectangle property is used to hold the positional information of the shape. This shall be used to position a particular shape on the Panel/Canvas.
  • The ShapeColor property is used to hold the color related information of the shape. This shall be used to render a particular shape with the specified color on the Panel/Canvas.
  • The Shape property is used to hold the type of the shape. This can be either a 0, 1 or 2 which corresponds to a circle, rectangle, or a square. This shall be used to determine a particular shape.

Painting on the Custom Panel - The DrawingPanel class

This class inherits from the class System.Windows.Forms.Panel. This is used to write custom painting code. The method OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e) needs to be overridden to provide the custom drawing information for the Panel.

    /// <SUMMARY>

    /// This method provides the drawing board for the graphics object.

    /// </SUMMARY>

    /// <PARAM name="e"></PARAM>

    protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
        base.OnPaint (e);
        SolidBrush solid = null;
        // Retrieve the Ghaphics context.

        Graphics g = e.Graphics;

        ShapeInfo shapeInfo = null;

        for(int count = 0; count < _shapeColl.Count; count++)
            shapeInfo = (ShapeInfo) _shapeColl[count];

            if (shapeInfo != null)
                // Get the panel info object.

                solid = new SolidBrush(shapeInfo.ShapeColor);

                    case CIRCLE:
                        g.FillEllipse(solid, shapeInfo.ShapeRectangle);

                    case RECTANGLE:
                        g.FillRectangle(solid, shapeInfo.ShapeRectangle);

                    case SQUARE:
                           shapeInfo.ShapeRectangle.X , 

Let us walkthrough this code step-by-step...

  1. First override the method OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e).
  2. Retrieve the Graphics object using the PaintEventArgs argument.
  3. Use the Graphics object reference to invoke methods like FillEllipse and FillRectangle.

This would render the desired shape on the Panel/Canvas and a repainting would occur.

Putting all the bits together...

Once the shapes are determined, the shape information collection is passed to the drawingPanel and the drawingPanel is invalidated.. This shall allow the shape to be rendered on the screen.

    private void mouseMove(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e)
        if (_mouseDownFlag && !_mouseUpFlag )
            _mouseUpFlag = false;
                = new Rectangle(_startX, _startY, (e.X - _startX), (e.Y - _startY));


Take aways...

You have seen how a Panel class can be used in order to draw/render several kinds of shapes on the Panel/Canvas. Note that you would need to call the Invalidate method on the drawingPanel class.

Notice how the binary serialization is done in the code in order to save the images into a file and again restore them back.


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