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.NET Directory Copy Program

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23 Jun 2005 1  
The article fills in the gap for the .NET framework to copy directory contents.


This article submitted is my first posting in CodeProject. The code given along side is for the use of copying all the contents of a folder and if needed it can also again try to copy it some where else if the process failed.


The Microsoft .NET framework does not provide for the functionality to copy a directory. This article and the code attached with it solves the particular problem.

Using the code

The heart of all is this function neatly searches the directory and the files and then copies them to a new directory after the definition table is created.

public void DirectorySearch(string strSourceDirectory, 
             string strSourceDirectoryConstant, 
             string strDestinationDirectory)
    string [] strarrDirectoryNames= Directory.GetDirectories(strSourceDirectory);
    string [] strarrFileNames= Directory.GetFiles(strSourceDirectory);
    foreach(string strFileName in strarrFileNames)
            FileInfo info=new FileInfo(strFileName);
            long fileLength= info.Length;
            totalLength =totalLength+fileLength;
            //Below the function Insert is used which 

            //is found in the code : purpose to store the data

            Insert("FILE", strFileName, strSourceDirectoryConstant + @"\" + 
                   info.Name, fileLength.ToString(), strDestinationDirectory);
    foreach(string strDirectoryName in strarrDirectoryNames)
        DirectoryInfo info=new DirectoryInfo(strDirectoryName);
        DirectorySearch(strDirectoryName, strSourceDirectoryConstant 
                        + @"\" + info.Name, strDestinationDirectory);
        Insert("DIRECTORY", strDirectoryName, strSourceDirectoryConstant 
               + @"\" + info.Name, "", strDestinationDirectory);


  • Version 1.0 - 5:19 PM 6/20/2005.


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