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99.99% available ASP.NET and SQL Server SaaS Production Architecture

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11 Jun 2011 7  
Production Architecture for a SaaS web application built using ASP.NET and SQL Server that guarantees 99.99% availability and super performance


You have a hot ASP.NET+SQL Server product, growing at thousand users per day and you have hit the limit of your own garage hosting capability. Now that you have enough VC money in your pocket, you are planning to go out and host on some real hosting facility, maybe a colocation or managed hosting. So, you are thinking, how to design a physical architecture that will ensure performance, scalability, security and availability of your product? How can you achieve four-nine (99.99%) availability? How do you securely let your development team connect to production servers? How do you choose the right hardware for web and database server? Should you use Storage Area Network (SAN) or just local disks on RAID? How do you securely connect your office computers to production environment?

Here I will answer all these queries. Let me first show you a diagram that I made for Pageflakes where we ensured we get four-nine availability. Since Pageflakes is a Level 3 SaaS, it’s absolutely important that we build a high performance, highly available product that can be used from anywhere in the world 24/7 and end-user gets quick access to their content with complete personalization and customization of content and can share it with others and to the world. So, you can take this production architecture as a very good candidate for Level 3 SaaS:


Click here to download the full diagram.

First a quick overview: 

  • Web server layer contains three web servers in load balanced mode. Each web server hosts the exact the same copy of the code and other artifacts of the ASP.NET web application that we have. IIS 6 is configured exactly the same way. The web app uses SQL Server based Session and Forms Authentication.
  • Web servers talk to SQL Server cluster. There’re two active/passive clusters. One cluster hosts the main database which has the users, pages and widgets and the other cluster hosts the other databases like reports, logs, Geolocation, Cache, RSS etc. We have separated databases based on their I/O load so that each cluster has more or less the same I/O load.  
  • Database servers are connected to EMC SAN where we have couple of SAN volumes. In each cluster, we have a SCSI RAID 10 volume to store MDFs, a SCSI RAID 1 volume to store LDFs and a SATA RAID 1 volume to store the logs.
  • There’s one standby cluster which has a SQL Server Transaction Log shipped mirror of all the databases. This is for logical redundancy of the databases so that if we screw up database schema during releases, we have a standby database to go back to.

I will explain each and every layer and hardware component and the decisions involved in choosing them.

The Web tier 



Public Firewall

Do: Use a firewall connects that connects to the internet (hosting providers public router or something) and connects to a Router or Switch that is named External Router. Let’s call this firewall the Public Firewall (PF)

Why: Without PF, you will have you servers nakedly exposed to the internet. You might argue, there’s that Windows Firewall, which is sufficient. But It’s not. Windows Firewall is not built to handle DDOS attacks, TCP flood, Malformed Packets as efficiently as Hardware Firewalls. There’s dedicated processor in Hardware Firewall that handles all the filtering. If too many malformed requests come in, your Web servers CPU will be too busy saving you from those attacks then doing the real job like running your ASP.NET code.

Do: You should only have port 80 and 443 open on this. If you aren’t using SSL, then have only port 80 open. Don’t keep remote desktop port open on public firewall.

Why: You should not expose your servers to the internet for remote desktop. If someone captures your remote desktop session, while you are administering your server from Starbucks over insecure Wifi, you are doomed. Remote Desktop access should be available only from VPN.

Do: Never open FTP port.

Why: FTP is insecure, it transmits username and password in plain text. Anyone with a basic knowledge of hacking can capture the username and password when you log into your production server via FTP. If you must, then use FTP that requires no username and password and allows you to only write files to a specific folder and never read anything or even see the list of files on FTP Server. This way, you don’t expose server credentials to anyone and you can at least transmit files to web servers when needed. Also ensure there’s disk quota enforced on the volume where you are uploading file and bandwidth is strictly limited. Otherwise someone might use the full bandwidth to upload giant files and make you run out of disk space.

Do: Never open file sharing ports

Why: File Sharing Service is one of the most vulnerable port. It exposes critical services of Windows which can be compromised to run arbitrary code on your server and destroy it.

External Switch with Load Balancer

Do: The external switch has load balancing capability that evenly distributes traffic to your web servers. This means, every web server you have put up behind the load balancer gets even share of the total traffic. Each of your web server has a NIC that connects to this switch. This is your public connection. If your traffic is within 10 million hits per day, a 100Mbit switch and same speed NIC is sufficient. You can choose a Firewall that has Load Balancer capability and has enough ports to connect all your webservers.

Why: The separate NIC is used to transmit only website traffic over a dedicated network connection so that it does not get hampered by any other local traffic. The switch does the load balancing for you. Do not use Windows Network Load Balancing. Again, the idea is to keep your web servers to their job only – execute ASP.NET Code, call Database, return html pages and static files, and that’s it. Leave everything else to other components. Hardware Load Balancers are very efficient, much more fault tolerant. If you go for Software Load balancing, you will periodically have to restart servers to solve mysterious problems like a server not teaming up with others, or a server getting too much traffic and so on.

Do: Keep load balancer dead simple, do only basic round robin traffic distribution, no fancy affinity, no request header parsing.

Why: We tried doing some affinity and URL filter to serve specific URL from specific server. It was a nightmare. We spend countless hours over the phone with Cisco Support Engineers to troubleshoot mysterious behaviors. They delivered endless patches, that fixed one bug but introduced another. The affinity thing was showing mysterious behavior, putting a server out of load balancer was still delivering traffic to it and so on. We tried URL filtering where some specific URL pattern like gets served from a specific web server. But this required Load Balancer to open up every request, parse it, find the URL and then match against a long list of URL patterns and decide where to send the traffic. This was a bad decision. It caused Load Balancers to choke on high traffic, overflow its internal error buffer, frequently reset itself to clear up all the jam in its head and so on. So, we learned a very valuable lesson that once a Microsoft Architect told us but we were too smart to ignore him – “Keep your load balancer dead simple – use basic round robin.”

Do: Each router and firewall has a standby one.

Why: When any of these device fails, the standby one kicks in. If you don’t have a standby public firewall, then when your firewall goes down, your website is completely down until you get a replacement firewall. Similarly when the External Router/Switch is down, your website is down as well. So, it’s wise to have a standby Firewall and Switch/Router available. It’s hard to spend for a device that’s idle 99% time, but when it saves the day and keeps your site from going down for hour, it feels good to be wise. Moreover, sometimes you will have to upgrade firmware of firewall or router. Then you will have to restart the device. If you restart it, that means the traffic can no longer come through it. So, in such case, you bring up the standby one as online, then patch up and restart the primary one and then bring up the primary one as online and then patch up and restart the standby one.

Do: Each of your web servers has another NIC, that connects the web servers to the private network where your databases are. In the diagram, it’s the Internal Router or Internal Switch.

Why: Do not use the same NIC to connect to both private and public network. You don’t want public network traffic to congest your local network traffic. Generally the nature of traffic on public network and private network is completely opposite – public network makes less frequent long burst of traffic transfer (delivering large HTML response to browsers) where private network makes high frequency short burst traffic transfer (making short and frequent database calls).

Do: Get moderately powerful Web servers with enough storage. We chose Dell 1950 servers as web server that has 2 x Quad Core with 8 GB RAM and 3 x NIC. There’re four 500 GB SATA drives in two RAID 1.

Why: The C: volume is on one RAID 1 that has the OS and the D: volume is on another RAID 1 that has the web application code and gigantic IIS logs. You might think why we need 500 GB on OS partition. We have MSMQ and there’re some very large queue that sits on the C: drive. You might also think why such large space on D: drive. When you turn on cookies on IIS long, due to ASP.NET’s gigantic forms authentication cookie being sent over every request and getting logged, IIS logs tend to get really big. You might be producing 3 GB of IIS per server on a moderate traffic website. It’s better to keep enough space on Web server to store several weeks worth of IIS logs incase your internal systems to move those logs to somewhere else for reporting gets broken.

Do: Run 64bit version of Windows.

Why: Without 64bit OS, you cannot fully utilize the 4 GB RAM or more than that. In fact, you can use around 3.2 GB even if you have 4 GB RAM available on a 32bit Windows. There are some addressing issues on 32bit processor, especially with PCI controllers which uses some of the addressing space above 3.2 GB to map to devices. So, available RAM to windows is below 3.2 GB. But 64bit OS allows you to use terabytes of RAM. The 64bit version of .NET framework is stable enough to run heavy duty applications. You might have bad experience running 64bit Windows on your personal computers, but 64bit servers are pretty solid nowadays. We never had a glitch in last two years of operation.

Do: The internal network is fully 1Gbit. All the network cables are Gbit cables, the router/switch are Gbit capable. The NICs on the web servers that connects to the internal switch are GBit as well. Spend as much as you can on this configuration because this needs to be the fastest.

Why: This is where all the communication from your web server to database servers go through. There will be very frequent data transmission and a lot of data transmission over these connections. Every page on your website might make 10 to 100 database calls. There will be short and frequent transmissions per page. So, you need this entire private LAN connectivity to be very very fast and low latency.

Wait for the Bulk work router. I will get that to it soon.

The VPN connectivity

On the right side of the diagram shows the VPN connectivity. There’s a VPN capable firewall that connects your office and roaming users to the internal router. From internal router, users can get into web servers and the database servers. This sometimes need to be fast when you will do a lot of file transfer between your office and production environment. For example, if you pull down gigabytes of IIS logs every day from the production servers to the office, then you need pretty good connectivity on this. Although the bottleneck will always be the internet connection you have at your office. If you have a T1 connection from your office to the production environment, then 10Mbit Firewall, Switch and cables are good enough since T1 is about 1.544Mbps.

Why: Why you need VPN? Because it is absolutely important that you only allow connection to your production environment through an encrypted channel. VPN is the only way to ensure the connection from your computer to your production environment is absolutely secure and no one can eavesdrop or steal your session. Moreover, having a VPN means there’s another layer of username+password based security that must be required to get into your production environment. This means, even if your server’s credentials are stolen, may be you had them stored in a USB keychain, no one can still connect to your production servers unless they are connected to VPN.

Do: Have a site-to-site VPN from your office network to your production environment. Use a router that has site-to-site VPN capability.

Why: Connecting to VPN using a VPN Client Software is a pain. Connection gets dropped, it’s slow as it’s software based encryption and so on. Then there’s that Vista issue where most of the VPN client in the world does not work. So, having a router always maintain a secure connection to your production environment is a great time saver. Especially when you transfer large files from between your production environment and your office computers.

Do: Have a router at office that separates developer and IT workstations from other workstations

Why: If you have site-to-site VPN configured on a router, everyone connected to that router has access to production environment. You don’t want your Sales guys Laptops to get access to production environment, trust me. So, you must isolate the computers that are highly trusted like IT and Devs workstations and isolate other computers in the network in different subnets. Then you only allow the trusted subnet to get access to production environment. You can setup rules in a good router that will let only a specific subnet to send traffic to production server IPs. If you have staging servers locally inside your office, you should take the same precaution. Only trusted subnet should be able to see them. This extra precaution helps avoid unwanted spread of all the new virus and worms that sales guys bring in to the office carrying on their laptops.

The Database tier

The database servers sit behind the Internal Router/Switch. You might want to put the database servers on a very secure network by isolating the web servers in a DMZ, which stands for Demilitarized Zone. But we don’t use DMZ Firewall since it becomes the greatest bottleneck for all traffic between web and database servers. So, we use routers and allow only SQL Server’s port 1433 to pass through the router from a web server to any DB server. You can also use switches if you aren’t so fanatic about security. My logic is, protect each server by properly patching them and using security best practices that ensures the servers themselves remain protected all the time. If someone can get into the web server by compromising it, the connection strings are there in a nice readable web.config file. So, hackers can use that to connect to your database and do enough damage, like running a DELETE * FROM aspnet_users. So, blocking ports, putting web servers on DMZ does not really help much. Of course, it’s my opinion based on my limited knowledge of hackers ability.


Do: Database servers need to be really beefy servers having as much CPU power as possible and very fast disk controllers and a lot of RAM.

Why: SQL Server does both disk and CPU intensive work. So, the more CPU you can through at it, the fasters queries execute. Moreover, the disks need to be really fast. You should definitely use SAS with 15K RPM disks. For local disks, having a lot of memory on Disk Controller makes a lot of difference. Also put as many L2 cache memory as possible, at least 4 MB.

Do: Store MDF and LDFs on separate physical disks.

Why: Most of the reads are from MDF and writes are to LDF. So, you need to put them on separate physical disks so that read and writes are performed in parallel, without disturbing each other. Moreover, when transactions are first applied to LDF and then applied to MDF. So, MDF has quite some writes too.

Do: Use RAID 10 for MDF or high read scenario.

Why: RAID 10 is fastest RAID configuration for reading. As the data is distributed in many disks, reads are done in parallel. As a result, instead of reading bytes sequentially from one disk, RAID controller reads bytes simultaneously from many disks. This gives faster read performance.

Do: Use RAID 1 for LDF or high write scenario.

Why: Since RAID 1 has only two disks, there’s less disks to write data to. As a result, better write performance than other higher RAID configurations. Of course, RAID 0 is fastest, but it has no redundancy. So, there’s no question of using it on a database where data corruption causes severe problems.

Do: Use SAS drives for OS partition

Why: Sounds expensive, but SQL Server does a lot of paging when sufficient RAM is not available. Since page files reside on local disks, it needs to be as fast as possible. Otherwise paging performance suffers from disk speed.

Do: Always perform backup and log shipping to different physical disks, preferably on RAID 1

Why: Backup takes a lot of writes to disk. Same goes for transaction log. The reads are always from MDF. So, it’s important that the backup writes go to different physical disk(s). Otherwise during backup, the continuous read along with regular read/write on MDF will choke SQL server. We had this problem that whenever we did a full backup, at the very last moment, when SQL Server locks the entire database to write the very recent transactions that happened since the backup started, the database was locked too long for queries to timeout and website to throw SQL Timeout Exceptions. The only way to speed up the whole last minute locking issue was to make sure the read from MDF gets done really fast and the write on backup gets done really fast. So, we spread the MDF on more disks using RAID 10 volume and we spread the write on less disks using a RAID 1 volume.

Do: Use Windows Clustering for high availability

Why: Windows Clustering is a high availability solution that is usually configured having one active server and one passive server. Both server has SQL Server installed. But at a time, only one remains active and connected to a shared storage – SAN. Whenever active server fails, the Cluster administrator automatically brings the passive server online and connects the SAN volumes to it. This way, you get minimum downtime since the overhead of switching to another server is just the time to start SQL Server on passive server and loading the database from recovery. Usually the passive server comes online with a 80 GB database within 5 mins. During failover, it just has to rollback the uncommitted transactions in LDF.

But the catch of Windows Cluster is you must have SAN. Local disks won’t do. This takes you to next recommendation:

Do: Use Storage Area Network (SAN)

Why: Performance, scalability, reliability and extensibility. SAN is the ultimate storage solution. SAN is a giant box running hundreds of disks inside it. It has many disk controllers, many data channels, many cache memories. You have ultimate flexibility on RAID configuration, adding as many disks you like in a RAID, sharing disks in multiple RAID configurations and so on. SAN has faster disk controllers, more parallel processing power and more disk cache memory than regular controllers that you put inside a server. So, you get better disk throughput when you use SAN over local disks. You can increase and decrease volumes on-the-fly, while your app is running and using the volume. SAN can automatically mirror disks and upon disk failure, it automatically brings up the mirrors disks and reconfigures the RAID.

But SAN has some serious concerns as well. Usually you don’t go for dedicated SAN because it’s just too expensive. You get some disks from an existing SAN at your hosting provider. Now hosting providers serve many customers from the same SAN. They give you space from disks that might be running database of another customer. For example, say the SAN has 146GB SAS disks. Now you have requested 100 GB SAS storage from them. This means they have allocated you 100 GB from a disk and the rest 46 GB has gone to another customer. So, you and the other customer is reading and writing to the same disk on the SAN. What if the other customer issues a full backup at 8 AM? The disk is pounded by enormous writes while you are struggling for every bit of read you can get out of that risk. What if the other customer has a stupid DBA who did not optimize the database well enough and thus producing  too many disk I/O? You are then struggling for your share of disk I/O. Although the disk controllers try their best to throttle read and write and give fair share to everyone using the same disk, but things aren’t always so fair. You suffer for others stupidity. One way to avoid this problem is to buy space from SAN in terms of physical disk size. If SAN is made of 146 GB SAS disks, you buy space in multiplication of 146 GB. You can ask your Hosting Provider to give you full disks that aren’t shared with others.

Do: RAM, lots of RAM

Why: SQL Server tries its best to keep the indexes on RAM. The more it can store on RAM, the faster queries execute. Going to disk and fetching a row is more than thousand times slower than finding that row somewhere from RAM. So, if you see SQL Server is producing too many reads from your MDFs, add more RAM. If you see Windows is doing paging, add more RAM. Keep adding RAM until you see disk reads get stable at some low value. However, this is a very unscientific approach. You should measure “Buffer cache hit ratio” performance counter of SQL Server and “Pages/Sec” counters to make better decision. But rule of thumb, have RAM of 2 GB + 60% the size of your MDF. If your MDF is 50 GB, have 32 GB RAM. The reason behind this is, you don’t need all of your MDF to be in RAM because all the rows are not getting fetched every now and then. Generally 30% to 40% data are logs, or audits or data that gets accessed infrequently. So, you should figure out how much of your data gets accessed frequently. Then derive the RAM amount from that. Again, the performance counters are the best way to find if your SQL Server needs more RAM.

Do: Get Dual Path Fiber Channel connection to SAN from your servers

Why: Dual Path Fiber channels are very fast and reliable connectivity to SAN. Dual Path means, there are two paths, if one fails, I/O requests go through another path. We tried this manually. We asked our Support Engineer to manually unplug a channel while we were running the web app and the application did not show any visible problem. Since SAN is like a network devices that is far away from your servers, it’s absolutely important that you have 100% reliable connectivity to SAN and you have backup plan in case of connectivity failure.

Reporting and Backup


Do: Have a separate server for moving IIS logs from webserver 

Why: You need to parse IIS logs to produce traffic reports, unless you are using Google Analytics or some other analytics solution that is not dependent on IIS logs. You should never run any reporting tool to analyze the IIS log on the web server because they consume CPU and disk load. It’s best to have a batch job that copies daily IIS log to a separate reporting server where the analysis is done.

Do: Have a large detachable external storage like External USB drives

Why: During development, it is often necessary to bring in large amount of data like database backup from production environment to your local office. Sometimes you need to move large amount of data from some staging environment to production. Transferring the large amount of data over the network is time consuming and not reliable. Best to just ship the external USB drive containing the data. You can take a production database backup, store it in USB with strong encryption and ship the USB drive to your office.

Do: Use fast SCSI RAID 1 disks

Why: Reporting and backup requires large disk I/O. When you are moving data out of webserver or database server, you want the job to get done as fast as possible. You don’t want it to be delayed for poor disk on your reporting/backup server. Besides analyzing large amount of data takes time, especially the IIS logs or restoring database backup for analysis. So, the disks on the reporting server needs to be very fast as well. Moreover, if you have some catastrophic failure and your database is gone, then you can use the reporting server as a temporary database server while your main database server is being built. Once our admin deleted our production database from main database server. Fortunately we had a daily backup on the reporting server. So, we restored the daily backup on reporting server, made it the main database server for a while until we prepared the real database servers with the production database.

Separate NIC and Switch for bulk operations 

Do: Use separate NIC on all servers that is connected to a separate private network via separate switch for bulk operations

Why: When you do a large file copy, say IIS log copy from web server to reporting server, the copy operation is taking up significant network bandwidth. It’s putting stress not only on the private NIC that does the very high frequency communication with database servers, it’s also sending a lot of load on the private switch, which is already occupied with all the traffic produced by all the web servers and database servers combined. This is why you need to do large file copy operation like IIS log copy or database backup copy over a separate NIC and separate switch connected to a completely separate private LAN. You should map network drives on each server on the separate network IP so that any data transferred to those drives go through the dedicated NIC and switch for bulk operations. You should also connect this bulk operation network to the VPN so that when you download/upload large files from your office, it does not affect the high priority traffic between web servers and database servers.


The above architecture is quite expensive, but guarantees 99.99% availability. Of course, the availability also depends on the performance of your Engineers. If they blow up the website or delete a database by mistake, there’s no hardware that can save you. But having enough redundant hardware can ensure you get a fast recovery and get back to business before your VCs notice you are down. The architecture explained here can cost you about $30K per month on a managed hosting environment. So, it’s not cheap. You can of course buy all these hardware on credit and the monthly payment should be around $20K per month for about two years. So, it’s up to you to decide how much do you want to compromise between hardware and availability. Based on what kind of application you are running, you can go for smaller infrastructure yet guaranty 99.99% availability. Once we were very tight on funding and ran the whole site on just 4 servers still came out with 99.99% availability for three months. So, it all comes from experience that gives you the optimal production environment for your specific application needs.  


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