jQuery Introduction

jQuery Introduction


  • jQuery is a javascript library that is created to make the common tasks trivial because using raw JavaScript can result in dozens of lines of code for each task.
  • jQuery is small, lightweight, and easy to learn for beginners.
  • The motive behind the creation of jQuery is: Write less, do more
  • It is a platform-independent technology.

jQuery Features:

  • HTML manipulation
  • DOM manipulation
  • DOM element selection
  • CSS manipulation
  • Effects and Animations
  • Utilities
  • AJAX
  • Cross-Browser Support
  • Lightweight
  • Support latest technologies

What jQuery Does:

The jQuery library provides a general-purpose abstraction layer for common web scripting. The main tasks that we can perform by using jQuery are:

  • Access parts of a page: jQuery offers a robust and efficient selector mechanism for retrieving exactly the piece of the document that is to be inspected or manipulated.
  • Modify the appearance of a page: jQuery can change the classes or individual style properties applied to a portion of the document even after the page has been rendered.
  • Alter the content of a page: jQuery can modify the content of a document. By using jQuery we can change the text, insert or swipe an image, change the order of a list and change the entire structure of an HTML page.
  • Respond to a user's interaction with a page: The jQuery library offers an easy way to intercept a wide variety of events with event handlers without the need to change the HTML code.

  • Related topic:

    jQuery History
    jQuery Intallation

  • Add animation to a page: jQuery provides an array of effects such as fades and wipes, as well as a toolkit for crafting new animations to make the web page attractive.
  • Retrieve information from a server without refreshing a page: This code pattern has become known as Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX). The jQuery library removes the browser-specific complexity from this process, allowing developers to focus on the server-end functionality.
  • Simplify common JavaScript tasks: jQuery provides enhancements to basic JavaScript constructs such as iteration and array manipulation.
  • Allow multiple actions in one line: jQuery use a programming pattern called chaining which avoids the overuse of temporary variables or wasteful repetitions.

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