(Advanced) Linear Systems

Brogan Book
Chen book

No Required Textbook

1.) Linear System Theory and Design by Chen (3rd or 4th Edition)

2.) Modern Control Theory by Brogan (3rd Edition)

3.) Linear Algebra and Its Applications by Strang (3rd or 4th Edition)

Topics Covered

(not restricted to this order but will following closely)

1.) Review of System Modeling

2.) Review of Numerical Simulation

3.) State-Space Realizations

4.) State-Space to TF

5.) Linearization

6.) Vector Spaces

7.) Linear Independence

8.) Subspaces and Norms

9.) Orthogonality and Projection

10.) System of Linear Equations

11.) Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors

12.) Similarity Transformations

13.) Complex Exponential

14.) Jordan Form

15.) Solutions of the State-Equation

16.) Connections to Transfer-Functions and Frequency Domain

17.) Stability

18.) Controllability

19.) Observability

20.) State-Feedback

21.) Observers

22.) Output Feedback


Grading Breakdowns

  1. Individual Work (100%)

  • Midterm 1 (25%):
    • Tue Sep 27th from 7-9pm
  • Midterm 2 (25%):
    • Thurs Nov 3rd from 7-9pm
  • Final Exam (30%)
  • Homework (20%)

Office Hours

Dr. Ruben: Tu 6-7pm (Zoom link on Canvas); Th 4-5pm (in-person in ECME 128)


To access the following material, you must log in to Canvas:

  1. Homework Assignments
  2. Homework Solutions
  3. Exam Solutions


University Wide Syllabus Information



  1. Assignments must be neat, organized and legible.  Typed assignments are welcome.
  2. Put a box around all final answers.
  3. Show your work enough to fully demonstrate your understating and your arrival at your answer.


  1. You only have TWO WEEKS to question grading from the time the homework\exam is returned.

    1. Specificially for exam grade questions, students must write up a detailed document (using Word or other word processing tool, not hand-written) describing the question, staple it to the original exam, and give it to the professor.

  2. This will be the final grading scale used for the course. There is no curve. You are not competing against classmates, so help them out if you can! I reserve the right to lower the scale (i.e., make it easier), but I will not raise it.

  • A: 90+
  • A-:87-89
  • B+:85-86
  • B : 83-84
  • B-:80-82
  • C+:77-79
  • C : 74-76
  • C-:70-73
  • D+:68-69
  • D : 63-67
  • D-:60-62
  • F : 59 or below

In-Class Expectations

The following expectations will assist us with the creation of a learning community and a high quality of educational experience. The University of Colorado Classroom Behavior Policy will compliment these expectations:

  1. No cell phones (unless we are using them for some reason)
  2. No laptops (unless approved for taking notes or we are using them for some reason)

Academic Integrity

You are expected to abide by The University of Colorado Honor Code at all times.

Late Work

No late work will be accepted