European dipper

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European dipper
European dipper2.jpg
Scientific classification
Kingdom Information
Domain Eukaryota
Kingdom Animalia
Subkingdom Bilateria
Branch Deuterostomia
Phylum Information
Phylum Chordata
Sub-phylum Vertebrata
Infraphylum Gnathostomata
Class Information
Superclass Tetrapoda
Class Aves
Sub-class Neornithes
Infra-class Neoaves
Order Information
Superorder Passerimorphae
Order Passeriformes
Sub-order Passeres
Family Information
Superfamily Muscicapoidea
Family Cinclidae
Genus Information
Genus Cinclus
Species Information
Species C. cinclus
Population statistics
Population 3,960,000 + (est.)
Conservation status Least concern[1]

The European dipper (Cinclus pallasii) refers to a species of wren-like songbird of the family Cinclidae, and noted for its ability to hunt and feed in or under running water. Also known as the white-throated dipper or water ouzel, the species has an extensive range beyond Europe into Asia and North Africa.


European dippers are medium-sized birds, roughly the size of a thrush, and are just over seven inches in length. They are a dark brown in color, with a large white patch on their throats.

The name "dipper" comes from their observed habit of feeding. They completely dip their heads in water many times a minute, a bobbing motion which also continues while above water when looking for food. They also completely submerse themselves under water, using their long legs to walk across the stream bed; they also use their wings as a swimming aid. Food consists of aquatic insects and insect larvae, flying insects, and small crustaceans. Small fish, tadpoles, and worms are sometimes taken, but consist of a small overall proportion of their diet.

This bird is also known by the name "water ouzel", based upon an Old English word for the European blackbird (Turdus merula).[2][3]


  • Cinclus cinclus aquaticus
Central and southern Europe to the Balkan Peninsula
  • Cinclus cinclus cashmeriensis
Himalaya Mountains (west Kashmir to Sikkim)
  • Cinclus cinclus caucasicus
Caucasus Mountains to northwest Iran; winters to Iraq and Pakistan
  • Cinclus cinclus cinclus
Fenno-Scandia to s coast of White Sea and Kaliningrad region
  • Cinclus cinclus gularis
Great Britain and Orkney Islands
  • Cinclus cinclus hibernicus
Ireland, Outer Hebrides and west coast of Scotland
  • Cinclus cinclus leucogaster
Mountain of central Asia
  • Cinclus cinclus minor
Atlas Mountains, North Africa
  • Cinclus cinclus olympicus (extinct)
Formerly on the island of Cyprus
  • Cinclus cinclus persicus
Zagros and Bakhtiari Mountains, Iran
  • Cinclus cinclus przewalskii
Mountain areas of southern Tibet and western China
  • Cinclus cinclus rufiventris
Anti-Lebanon Mountains
  • Cinclus cinclus uralensis
Ural Mountains, Russia


European dippers are found in streams characterized by clean, unpolluted rushing water with a rocky bottom. The shorelines have good cover, with cliff sides or overhanging trees or other vegetation which also provide nesting locations. Dippers do not migrate; they stay in favored locations year-round, though they may move to other nearby streams or rivers which are unfrozen during winter.

The species ranges over much of the mountainous areas of Europe and central Asia; in Africa they are restricted to the streams of the Atlas Mountains.


Females choose nesting sites between 6 and 20 feet above the water, in a cliff ledge, small crevasse, or attached to a man-made object such as a bridge, provided the site is near water. The nest itself is about a foot in diameter, and consists of an inner layer of grass and bark, and an outer layer of moss, with the moss designed to collect moisture and keep the interior dry. The opening to the nest is from the bottom.

Inside the nest 4 to 5 eggs are laid, with an incubation period of 17 days. The young are fed by both parents for up to 26 days. Although monogamous, dippers will lead solitary lives when the nesting period is over.


Wild cats, hawks, and owls occasionally kill dippers for food, but man is the chief threat due to pollution cast into streams and alteration of habitat, such as the construction of dams which can restrict the flow of swift-moving water. They are listed as "least concern by the IUCN Red List[4] due to their extensive range; however the subspecies on the island of Cyprus (C. c. olympicus) became extinct during the last century as a result of human encroachment and habitat loss.
