Rufous-bellied Hawk Eagle, Mysore

Subharghya Das

Subharghya Das

Chosen as 'Picture of the Week'

The range of the rufous-bellied hawk eagle’s distribution covers south of the Himalayas, Java, Philippines, Borneo and Sumatra, lower Bengal, Myanmar and Sri Lanka.

Here is an image of an adult Rufous-bellied Hawk Eagle (Lophotriorchis kienerii) sighted in Mysore on 2nd July 2014 near Chamundi Hills. This is a very interesting record for Mysore given that the species is an uncommon raptor restricted to the forested hills of the Western Ghats.

The Rufous-bellied hawk eagle is easily identified by its black upper parts, chestnut under parts and under wing-coverts and white throat and breast. The two sexes are physically alike but the female is slightly larger than the male.

The range of the rufous-bellied hawk eagle’s distribution covers south of the Himalayas, Java, Philippines, Borneo and Sumatra, lower Bengal, Myanmar and Sri Lanka.

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