Pattern accuracy is very important to me, but even with testing and editing, errors do happen. This page contains errors I’m aware of, along with clarifications as needed.

Utility Apron, No. 120

On PDF patterns distributed prior to November 2024, page 3 indicates the inside flap pocket template measures 10" x 9" and the zipper pocket template is 7" x 9". Those should be reversed. The template names are correct.

On printed patterns distributed prior to November 2024, the template names on the inside flap pocket and the zipper pocket are reversed.

Sewing Room Rules, No. 123

On patterns distributed prior to 2024, the finished size for the quilt is shown as 21" x 21". The finished size is actually 20" x 20". The top and bottom row assembly instructions indicate you’ll need (5) HSTs. The actual number is (4) HSTs plus (1) square. The left and right row assembly directions indicate you’ll need (3) HSTs. The actual number is (2) HSTs plus (1) square.

6/15/24 - Minor changes were made to pattern. Increased the backing yardage to 1 yard, cut to 28 1/2" square, to allow a 4” overhang on each side when quilting. Added the option to press seams around the panel open, in case that’s preferred to pressing away from the panel.

Collecting Fabric, No. 128

On patterns distributed prior to 2024, the finished size for the quilt is shown as 21" x 21". The finished size is actually 20" x 20".

6/15/24 - Minor changes were made to pattern. Increased the backing yardage to 1 yard, cut to 28 1/2" square, to allow a 4” overhang on each side when quilting. Added the option to press seams around the panel open, in case that’s preferred to pressing away from the panel.

Into the Sewing Room, No. 134

6/15/24 - Minor changes were made to pattern. Increased the backing yardage to 1 yard, cut to 28 1/2" square, to allow a 4” overhang on each side when quilting. Added the option to press seams around the panel open, in case that’s preferred to pressing away from the panel.

Bronco Quilt Block Printable Tutorial, No. 1042

11/30/24 - On the front page of the pattern, the cutting size for pieces I should be (2) 1" x 2 1/2" and piece J should be 1" x 6 1/2". The diagram on the back page was correct.

Baby Bodysuit Quilt Block Printable Tutorial, No. 1023

3/14/25 - I recommend revisiting this post as there are several corrections and clarifications to the instructions. The cutting instructions are correct, aside from the (2) 1 1/2" x 9 1/2" background pieces, which aren’t needed. If you purchased the tutorial, please contact me for an updated version.