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We have 24 bed-spaces available in our hostel for homeless men and women over the age of 18. Whilst we do prioritise people from Crawley and West Sussex, if we have a bed-space available then we will offer it to anyone in need of it.

Crawley Open House tries not to put barriers in the way of people getting the help they need and as such we don't ask people to complete long referral forms - a simple phone call is all that's needed for someone to be considered for a bed here.


We do not judge and will work with people regardless of their issues, needs and history. Issues such as alcohol and substance misuse mental health problems, severe relationship breakdowns, recent release from hospital or prison, etc., can be addressed and supported by a team of experienced project workers and support staff.


Residents stay for an initial 28 days whilst we explore suitable move-on options and pets can stay with them wherever possible. 

To enquire about a vacancy call us any time on 01293 447702.

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