What is truth?


If you are searching for God’s truth and the answers to all of humanity’s greatest questions, come and learn what the Bible says about these things.


Find Answers to questions such as:


· What is “truth”? (John 14:6)

· Who is Jesus Christ? Who is God? (Mark 1:1; Col. 1:15-16)

· Why did Jesus die on the Cross? Did He really rise from the grave on Easter Sunday? (Romans 3:20-26; 1 Cor. 15; Hebrews 9:22; 2 Cor 5:21)

· Can truth be “relative” and subjective or must it be absolute and based on facts and reality? (Hebrews 13:8; Isaiah 40:8; Psalm 119:89; Matthew 5:18)

· What is the basis of my “truth”? Is it just feeling, “spiritual” experiences and what people tell me, or is it based on objective, proven evidence and fact? (Jer 17:9; Prov 3:5-6; 2 Cor 5:7; Prov 28:26)

· Is the Bible really the divine Word of God? (2 Timothy 3:16-17; Hebrews 4:12 - https://www.gotquestions.org/Bible-God-Word.html )

· Are there other sources of spiritual truth in addition to the Bible? How can all religions be right if truth is absolute, yet they all teach different things? Could what appears/feels to be “light” from “god” really be evil? (Deut. 4:2; Prov. 30:5-6; Rev. 22: 18-19; 1 John 4:1-3; Gal 1: 6-9; John 10:7-10; 2 Cor. 11: 1-4, 13-14)

· What did the most famous and influential person of all time, Jesus Christ, actually teach?

· Is eternal life really found in just simply putting my faith in Jesus Christ? (John 3:16)

· Do all religions point to the same God? (1 Timothy 2:5; Deut. 4:35, 39; James 2:19)

· Is the God of Heaven different from the god of the world? (John 8:44; John 14:30, 1 John 5:19; 2 Cor 4:3-4; Acts 26:18; Eph 2:1-3; Heb 2:14-15)

· Are Satan (the serpent of the Bible and the father of lies) and demons real? Could some spiritual experiences people have who are involved in certain spiritual practices, meditations, mystical beliefs and new age practices that are not of the Bible actually be from Satan? Could I be deceived and not know it? (Deut. 18:10-14; Lev. 19:31, 20:6, 20:27; Isaiah 8:19-22; Rev. 21:8) - Watch our series on Spiritual Warfare for full teachings on this.

· How do I explain evil in this world and in my heart? (Rom 1:18-23; John 3:19; 1 John 3:8; John 8:44)

How would a loving and just God judge this evil after we die? What is the standard by which we will be judged right with God to inherit eternity in heaven? (Prov 12:28; Rom 3:9-12; Rom. 3:21-22; 2 Cor 5:21)

· Where will my soul go when I die? How can I be absolutely certain of this? (Luke 16:19-31)

· Is there really a judgement, heaven and hell? (Hebrews 9:27; Rev 20:11-15; John 3:36, 12:48; Rom 1:18; Ezekiel 18:20; Acts 17:31; Matt 12:36; Ps 96:13)

· If there is a judgement by God upon death, what must I do be saved for eternity? (Acts 16:31)

· How can I live a Spirit filled life the way Jesus wants us to, and have Holy Spirit power over sin and in service? (Romans 8)

· How can I receive a miracle from God to free me from my bondage of problems?

· What are the most important past and future events that the Bible has predicted, and how do I know they are true? How and when does the Bible say the world will come to an end? Why is Israel and Jerusalem so important? - Watch our series on End Times Prophesy including the tribulation, the Antichrist and the return of Christ

One of the most profound and eternally significant questions in the Bible was posed by an unbeliever. Pilate — the man who handed Jesus over to be crucified — turned to Jesus in His final hour, and asked, "What is truth?" 

To some, truth is subjective, the individual world of preference and opinion. Others believe truth is a collective judgment, the product of cultural consensus, and still others flatly deny the concept of truth altogether.

So, what is truth?

The moment you begin to ponder the essence of truth, you are brought face to face with the requirement of a universal absolute — the eternal reality of God.  After thousands of years, the very best of human philosophers (Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Descartes, Marx and others) have all utterly failed to account for truth (moral, good and evil, creation, the soul, etc.) and the origin of human knowledge apart from God.

Truth is the reality of the way things really are. God is the author, source, determiner and final judge of all truth. Jesus Christ said “I am the Truth”, and Jesus also declared that the Bible which is the Word of God, is also Truth. Truth is eternal and does not change.

In other words, the truth of Christ and the truth of the Bible are in perfect agreement in every respect. God has revealed Himself to humanity through Scripture and through His Son. Both perfectly embody the essence of what truth is.

How each person responds to the truth God has revealed is an issue of critical eternal significance for your soul.

https://gospelbillboards.org/what-is-truth/ - More Important Information on What Truth is

Come to any online Bible Study class, any Monday or Thursday evening and discover the Truth of God, Salvation and End Times Bible Prophesy for yourself, directly from the Bible. We are based in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. We have full teachings on the Gospel of John, The Cross of Jesus Christ, the Gospel of Mark and Romans, as well as many special topics such as End Times Bible Prophesy, Spiritual Warfare, Revival, the Holy Spirit and Prayer. - See the teaching library and useful Bible Study Tools under the Resources section.


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