The reason that we love our mugs !
We own too many mugs, but that would imply that there is such a thing as "too many mugs," and I can't agree with that statement. You would probably guess that I love coffee based on the number of mugs I own (and you'd be right), but that's not the only reason I love mugs. In fact, you don't have to enjoy coffee or tea at all to appreciate a good mug. Here are five reasons we should all raise a glass to the multi-talented mug.
1) Mugs make mornings acceptable.
Let's start with the most obvious reason first. Mugs are the go-to cup for coffee, tea, cocoa and every other hot beverage people enjoy in the morning. For those of us who need a kick of caffeine in the morning, mugs are our best friend. If you don't use caffeine, you can choose a design that inspires you or makes you smile for an extra boost of positive energy no matter what you put in your cup.
2) They're basically bowls with handles.
One of my favorite lazy-day comfort foods is a grilled-cheese sandwich with tomato soup; it never fails to warm me up , I wasn't going to eat my lunch at our kitchen table. The mug handle made the soup easy to hold and easy to sip, so I didn't have to balance a plate, bowl, and a spoon and I was less likely to spill. It's such a handy idea that I still use mugs for everything from chili to ice cream—and, yes, I still like to eat away from the table sometimes.
3) You can put almost anything in a mug.
You only have to ask one question to decide if something can be stored in a mug: does it fit in a mug? If the answer is yes, you can put it in a mug. Spare change? It can go in a mug. Toothbrushes? They fit in mugs. Office supplies? There's a mug for that. You can even reuse old mugs for growing herbs or other small plants. The only things that will limit what you put into a mug are your imagination and the size of your mug, and you can always find a bigger mug.
4) There is a mug for every gift-giving occasion.
Mugs make fantastic gifts. For everything from birthdays and weddings to graduations and retirements, a mug makes a great gift. The fact that you can put almost anything into a mug also means that mugs can easily become mini gift-baskets. Simply pick out a mug and fill it with candy, coffee, or hot cocoa packets for a quick gift that is sure to please. If you really want to make an impression, throw in a gift card or two so your recipient can pick out their own mug accessories.
5) Mugs are an easy form of self-expression.
The kind of mug a person uses can say a lot about them. Sometimes a mug says, "I require coffee to function. Don't speak to me until I've had my coffee." Sometimes it says, "I'm a superhero on the inside." Other times, a mug says, "I'd rather be in the woods." Whether you collect the mugs that speak to you, or show off the ones that represent you the best, your mugs can be a perfect extension of who you are.