Causes of stress

Stress works in mysterious ways. It can strike in any place at any time and can be brought on by a whole range of factors.

Broadly speaking, the causes fall into two categories; external factors - (things over which you have no control) and internal factors (things within your control).

External causes of stress include:

• Environment: noise, bright lights, heat, confined spaces, overcrowding.

• Other people: rudeness, bossiness or aggressiveness, work: rules, regulations, red tape, company take-overs, redundancies, excessively long hours, shift work, harsh deadlines.

• Major life events: death of a partner, relative or close friend, serious illness, being sacked, redundancy, new job, promotion, marriage, divorce, new baby, moving or buying a house.

• Everyday hassles: commuting, misplacing keys, mechanical breakdowns etc.

Internal causes of stress include:

• Lifestyle: excessive caffeine, smoking, drinking, taking drugs, not enough sleep, trying to do too much.

• Negative thoughts: being pessimistic, self-critical.

• Mindset: unrealistic expectations, taking things personally, all-or-nothing attitude, exaggerating, rigid thinking, lack of flexibility.

• Your personality: Type A, perfectionist, workaholic.

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