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Rogue Trader era marine camo colour schemes.  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Crushing Black Templar Crusader Pilot

Hi Fellas

Whilst I know a few of you are bummed that we don't seem to be getting 40k Judge Dreds any time soon, I for one unexpectedly fell in love with the Necromunda enforcer models, and am toying with picking some up to muck about with.
I've also been on a major Rogue Trader era artwork binge, and especially love the grittier, less 40k, more Mad Max meets Starship Troopers vibe, with dudes with personalized armor graffiti, and dumb stuff like 'kill' or 'THE ONE THE BIG ONE' (anyone ever find out what the hell that's supposed to mean???) written on every available surface.
But I've probably most fallen in love with the absolutely bonkers dazzle camo schemes

I especially like the black and yellow ones. I'm looking to get a few more references, so if anyone has any good examples, I'd love to see 'em!
As you'd expect I'm gonna go for a darker, warmer yellow for the armor, and was thinking of perhaps a warm-ish brown for the fatigues, with some red for the trim, though that's very far from set in stone.
Cheers for looking!
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