Welcome to
Darlington Township

Walking Trail


The supervisors meet on the second Monday of each month at 6:00p.m. in the municipal building located at 3590 Darlington Road. All meetings are open to the public with an opportunity for public comment.
Planning Commission meetings: 1st Monday of each month at 7:00p.m.
Zoning Board meetings: as needed.
Darlington Township Supervisors
Board of Supervisors (3): Municipal Office- (724) 827- 8738
Mike Carreon, Board Chairman, Term Expires 2025
Greg Houlette, Board-Vice Chairman, Term Expires 2028
Tom Blinkiewicz, Board SupervisorTerm, Expires 2027
Darlington Twp. Secretary/Treasurer - (724) 827- 8738
Brenna Boyde
Emergency Management Coordinator - (724) 827-8738
William Douthitt
Road Department- (724) 827-2088
Road Master, Kevin McRoberts
Engineer/Zoning Officer - (412) 375-3229
Jeff Frye
Solicitor - (724) 775-3392
Garen Fedeles
Building Code Enforcement Officer
Chris House with MDIA
Phone 1-800-922-6342 between 8:00-9:00 am.
Municipal Office Hours:
Mon 9:30-3:303-3:30
Tue 9:30-3:30
Wed 9:30-3:30
Thur & Fri By appoinment only
All offices are closed for the Holidays.
Times may very:
Anyone with business is encouraged to call ahead to confirm the office will be open, as the office staff attend meetings or run errands