Out of State Purchase
In today's hectic lifestyle we understand customers can not always be present to make a vehicle purchase. We go out of our way to get any and all photos at request, walk around videos whatever we can do to make the buying experience as easy as possible and to take the guess work out of it. We have actually brought on a new employee just to tackle the task of getting these request fulfilled quickly as well as posting every possible picture on the website as possible. Be sure you are viewing our live website at www.davis4x4.com for the most up to date information.
We regret not being able to shake each person's hands personally and letting them experience our small town family dealership atmosphere but logistically we know that is not always possible. Being as we are selling across the country and even to other country's we now have in place a network of 1000s of insured transporters through a brokerage at our disposal. In 90% of the cases transport is far cheaper then fuel in a vehicle to drive in and drive home, or a flight and then fuel home on top of time off from work etc. If you do decide to catch a flight we will be happy to pick you up at Richmond International Airport as it is only 15 min away from either of our dealerships.
At the end of the day we do sell a used product but try to provide as much information, photos, and background as possible to make sure this is the easiest and most pleasant buying experience you can have whether it is face to face or 100% by phone and email.
Load heading out to Texas with one beast of a rare old school Ford truck going to a very happy new owner!!

Loaded up and headed to California!

Load headed to New York!!!

Loaded up and headed to Ohio

Suburban sold and heading to Chicago, IL!!

Sold and shipping out of the country to the Island of Curacao!! Located in the Caribbean Sea and part of the Netherlands!!