The library is committed to making our buildings, programs and services accessible to everyone. Our special services and adaptive equipment are listed below. If you need further assistance or have a question, please contact the library’s ADA coordinator Angela Scott at [email protected] or 1-800-324-4806.
Mobility Assistance
- Wheelchair accessible buildings and restrooms
- Elevators at Callaway County and Columbia Public Libraries
Holts Summit and Southern Boone County Public Libraries are all on one level. - Power-assisted doors and wide aisles
- Scooters, wheelchairs and rolling walkers at the Columbia Public Library
Call (573) 443-3161 before you arrive or use the call box at the base of the ramp and we will bring it to you. When you’re ready to leave the library, we’ll assist you back to your vehicle. Handicapped parking spaces are conveniently located near the bottom of the ramp. - Book baskets and carts
- Touch screen check-out
Hearing Assistance
- Sign language interpreter at programs when requested
- Closed-captioned movies and TV shows for check-out, available in buildings and online
- Hearing Loop, available at the Columbia Public Library Welcome Desk
- eBooks for check-out online
Vision Assistance
- Large print collection
- Audiobooks for check-out from the library and online
- Playaways for check-out (audiobooks that come on their own player)
- eBooks
Type size and background color can be adjusted on most e-readers. - Responsive library website,
Fully compatible with screen readers and type size can be changed with the web browser. - Magnification devices
The Columbia Public Library also has a CCTV video magnifier for print. - Wolfner Talking Book and Braille Library
Call (573) 817-7091 for assistance setting up this free service. - ZoomText Computer at the Columbia Public Library
Individual Assistance
- If coming into the building is hard for you, consider using our curbside pickup service.
- If you have a special need for one-on-one or small group assistance on the computer or with using digital services, our staff can make arrangements for that.
- We deliver library materials to the homes of people who have a long-term illness or disability. Call (573) 817-7091 or 1-800-324-4806 to learn more.
- We’re committed to social, ethnic and cultural diversity and the goals of the Americans with Disabilities Act. If you need accommodations to take advantage of programs or services offered at any Daniel Boone Regional Library building or bookmobile, please contact our ADA coordinator Angela Scott at [email protected] or 1-800-324-4806.
Some equipment was purchased through a Library Services and Technology Grant through the Missouri State Library.