Check Out the 2024 Rut Tracker!
We are tracking how far deer are traveling in October and November to compare to hundreds of deer we have tracked since 2013. Is 2024 different? Find out here!
Why We Study Deer
Pennsylvania forests face many challenges – invasive plants, insect outbreaks, soil acidity, tree diseases, and even deer. This study is being conducted to better understand the role of deer in the context of all these challenges and to help Pennsylvania’s forest and wildlife managers better manage deer and the forest.
This research is a collaboration among the Pennsylvania Game Commission, Pennsylvania Bureau of Forestry, and the Pennsylvania Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit at The Pennsylvania State University.
The Deer-Forest Blog
Blog Topics

Find out the When, How far, How fast, How long of deer movements in the Big Woods during the busiest time of year.

Get the inside scoop on disappearing deer and find out what deer do during the hunting season

Do weather events affect deer? Cold, wind, rain – how do deer respond?

You are what you eat.

Learn about the who, what, when, where, and why of predation and how it might affect deer.

Get a front row seat into the lives of our field crews as they share their experiences

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