Briar Beauty Is Ready To Party

Before we meet Briar Beauty, here's a picture of 3 of the girls resting after helping choose colors for the summer cottage. When I put them all together like this their expressions look bored to tears. Raven Queen happened to be lost hiding that day so she didn't join in the decision making.
Now to get acquainted with Briar Beauty, daughter of Sleeping Beauty. Her signature color is a rosy pink and she loves flowers, I think roses mostly because she's got thorns everywhere.
Briar Beauty comes in a standard Ever After High fairy tale book-like box in pink. You can see she's a royal from the bookmark inside the package.
Her profile is on the back of the box. It tells you she is best friends with Apple White and Blondie Locks, she loves Royal Student Council studies at school, and hates Grimmnastics. Briar knows she will have to sleep for 100 years before she meets her Prince Charming so until she fulfills her destiny she plans to live life to the fullest. Partying is a main focus of her plans at Ever After High School.
Here's a close up of her face before I clipped her loose from the backing. She's got brown eyes, pink eyeshadow, and her lipstick is pink with a few accents of white on the bottom lip. Her hair around the face is tied into a flower type knot on her head.
A closer view of her bio.
Her bookmark reads like a diary or journal entry written by her.
The front of her box says "Life's A Dream". That's appropriate because Briar Beauty tends to fall asleep at inopportune times. She claims to be able to hear for miles when she's asleep. That may come in handy during her century long slumber.
Briar Beauty comes with a pink Ever After High doll stand. This picture shows her standing up right out of the box. I had not snipped any of her accessories off yet. She wears a pink dress with a tulip shaped two layer skirt. The effect looks like flower petals. And the bodice of her dress and her stockings look like briar thorns. She's got a necklace/harness style shoulder decoration with big pouffy flower buds that continues the floral theme in her fashions.
Her purse is a black barrel purse that she sometimes uses as a pillow during naps. It doesn't open. I ended up not cutting the band that keeps it in her hand for now.
Briar Beauty's shoes are pink plastic with more roses. She REALLY likes flowers.
They are split open in the back to make them easy to remove and put back on.
Here's a better view of her pink streaked hair in the flower bun. She also has rose tinted glasses perched on her head.
And a close view of her face and makeup. She wears silver flower earrings too.
The back of her long brown hair was mushed flat from being in the box so I brushed it out. She comes with a pink brush. Her hair is very full. She's prone to shedding at first.
I have no idea why I cut the band from her little ring. It fits on 2 fingers and comes off very easily. I made a point not to cut off her purse but then turned around and snipped the ring? It will be lost in a few hours. Briar also wears a pink rose bracelet on her wrist.
Briar Beauty tends to see the world through rose tinted glasses. She's a very happy girl and proud to be a Royal at Ever After High.
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