Security Policy
Our website has been verified by McAfee Secure and Better Business Bureau to be the safest possible.
Additional Security/Privacy Information
This website takes every precaution to protect our users’ information. When users submit sensitive information via the website, your information is protected both online and off-line.
While we use our best efforts to protect sensitive information online, we also do everything in our power to protect user-information off-line. All of our users’ information, not just the sensitive information mentioned above, is restricted in our offices. Only employees who need the information to perform a specific job (for example, our billing clerk or a customer service representative) are granted access to personally identifiable information. Our employees must use password-protected screen-savers when they leave their desk. When they return, they must re-enter their password to re-gain access to your information. Furthermore, ALL employees are kept up-to-date on our security and privacy practices. Every quarter, as well as any time new policies are added, our employees are notified and/or reminded about the importance we place on privacy, and what they can do to ensure our customers’ information is protected.
If you have any questions about the security at our website, you can send an email to