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After Leo

This section is to include the people who researched Leonardo since his death and up into the modern day including translators and also people who were heavily influenced by Leonardo's work. 

Top Leonardo Researchers

Paul Muller-Walde

Ettore Verga

Jean Paul Richter

Sir Kenneth Clark

Edward MacCurdy


What others have to say about Leonardo: 




 Antonio de Beatis.

 October, 10 1517

In one of the outlying parts [of Amboise] Monsignor and the rest of us went to see Messer Lunardo Vinci the Florentine. . . . This gen- 
tleman has written of anatomy with such detail, showing by il- lustrations the limbs, muscles, nerves, veins, ligaments, intestines and 
whatever else there is to discuss in the bodies of men and women, in a way that has never yet been done by anyone else. All this we have 
seen with our own eyes; and he said that he had dissected more than thirty bodies, both of men and women, of all ages. He has also written 
of the nature of water, of divers machines and of other matters, which he has set down in an infinite number of volumes all in the vulgar 
tongue, which if they should be published will be profitable and very enjoyable. 

(Extract from The Journey of Cardinal Luis of Aragon through Germany, the Netherlands, France and Northern Italy, 1517-1518, written by Antonio de Beatis. Edited by Ludwig Pastor and published at Freiburg im Breisgau, 1905.) 



“The Vitruvian Man, The Last Supper — both masterpieces. We can all agree on that. But Leonardo — the man, the anatomist, the designer, the architect, the scientist — is the real masterpiece. He is his ultimate creation. So live well. Be curious and hungry and always in awe of the world.”


"Because of the multiplicity of interests that spurred him to pursue every field of knowledge ... Leonardo can be considered, quite rightly, to have been the universal genius par excellence, and with all the disquieting overtones inherent in that term. Man is as uncomfortable today, faced with a genius, as he was in the 16th century. Five centuries have passed, yet we still view Leonardo with awe."


 "Leonardo is the one artist of whom it may be said with perfect literalness: Nothing that he touched but turned into a thing of eternal beauty. Whether it be the cross section of a skull, the structure of a weed, or a study of muscles, he, with his feeling for line and for light and shade, forever transmuted it into life-communicating values."



No other personality was so intimidating, no other career so difficult to encompass, so biographers often resort to the assumption that Leonardo embodied some superhuman quality: "il divino". Vasari (a contemporary biographer of Leonardo) wrotes "there is something supernatural in the accumulation in one individual of so much beauty, grace, and might. With his right hand he could twist an iron horseshoe as if it were made of lead. In his liberality, he welcomed and gave food to any friend, rich or poor." His kindness, his sweet nature, his eloquence (his speech could bend in any direction the most obdurate of wills) his regal magnanimity, his sense of humor, his love of wild creatures, his terrible strength in argument, sustained by intelligence and memory, the subtlety of his mind which never ceased to devise inventions, his aptitude for mathematics, science, music, poetry. What's more, Leonardo was himself a man of physical beauty beyond compare.

After Leo - Gallery

"After Leo" is also a term that means that a work of art was inspired by the works of Leonardo. Wether it be a tattoo, a trace, or someone's unique take on something Leonardo did - this gallery shows that. Many are taken from Social Media and the original poster is left when known. Submit your own to be included via our social media sites @discoveringdavinci on tumblr/ instagram or email